Online auction with the BBS

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
I’ve been working on and online auction software. What do the members think of a forum where you can bid on products related to pressure washing and pay what you want? I had been working on setting something like this up for the members and suppliers.

Just in the thinking stages I hope to get some input on this before I really get serious.

ONLINE AUCTION?????????????
Sounds like a great idea Ron. Online auctions can be fun and everyone likes saving money.

Are you looking at using a purchased software package or writing one yourself?
Gee, an online auction, what a novel idea! Oh, wait, that's the same one Dan's already started! My mistake, I must have confused you with someone who had an original thought! My bad!
Yes an online auction is a Great Idea!

Looks like Dan Flynn opened his tonight, Dan had confided with me
back on 9/5/01 about the auction section he was working on.

After I took an oath of secrecy.(LOL) Dan sent me the URL to check
out the beta site, looks like the proverbial cat is out of the bag now!.

:) :D
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Hey Zippy,
If you will notice Ron posted this before Dan's auction site was amde available to the public. Oh, and another thing, if I am not mistaken, Ron is TOTALLY locked out of Dan's site. So that means that even if Ron wanted to, he would not know about the auction site, unless someone told him. I don't think that anyone did.

BTW stop being a jerk.
If you do put one online don't limit it to just power washing supplies. Open it to all items.

Now, about who had the idea first.... HEY ZIPPO... three going on four years ago now there was a site called ...anyone...anyone...EBAY. Also there was another, much, much, much lower prices where you could buy supplies much like these but Egghead bought it and turned it high tech. My point is, if you want to get picky about whose idea it was first to list PW equipment, heck, places have been doing it for years. At least both Dan and Ron are expanding the number of resources available.

Hey Ron,
Go for it anyway if you think it is worth it. I would do like Beth said where you can auction off anything. I wouldn't limit it to just powerwashing items. I would maybe emphasize powerwashing items first and everything else afterwords.

It Doesn't matter that Dan has an auction site already. If you go by that thinking then Dan is wasting his time because there is already E-bay and others before him.

Your pretty creative maybe you can come up with something slightly different then the rest to give it more pizzaz. Either way good luck.



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Great idea,i agree go for it.

Just like the BB's the more the better chance of seeing what you need.
Ron, Go for it and open an online Auction.

Yes, it would be for pressure washing related items.

BUT, put other catagories(sp).
Internet 101
Yes others have the same idea about a site.
Why does one site do better then the other?
More visitors?
Visotors like the look and feel of the site?
The have trust in the site?
A friend told them about it?
and many many more reasons. . .

What I'm trying to say is this.
The guy accross town just started his pressure washing company. So, I'll sit back and wait to see how he does before I start mine.

WHY Wait?

Just my 2 cents. ;)
do it man do it just do it !!!!!!!!!!!!
dont worry about Zippo maybe he thinks that there should also be only on bb on the net ...... o yeah only one pressure washer contractor per state too............ and what about ford and chevy? i guess we all should still be runing the old fords..........

lets not forget our underware we wear my goodness what if we had to wear what they wore 500 years ago..... phewwwwwwww..

okay where did that come from!!!!!!!!
What's wrong with older Fords.

I have a 73 Ford F100


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Schaeffer, that Ford is NOT OLD ENOUGH.

I like the really good old classics.

Dan S. all I can say is if you wore what they wore 500 years stay far away from me! the flies would be the bigger problem!

Scott will always be a Ford man, I do love my Dodge but after two of them in 4 years I am willing to buy a Ford next.