On the road...

Steven Button

Livin' the high life... Finished day 2 of a 3 day sidewalk cleaning job in Ormond Beach. Greg Nash (Splash & Dash) and his employee helped us get ahead the last couple of days, had a smooth system going. Greg is FAST!!

My employee and I will finish up some sidewalks, rust stain removal and paint prep on a wooden bridge tomorrow.

Back to Orlando area to clean a couple of monthly shopping centers, 3 quarterly centers, some restaurants then back on the road to clean 4 centers in Jacksonville.

How's November lookin' for you guys and gals? Snow removal, holiday lights, shutting down for winter, etc?
Great pictures of concrete sidewalk cleaning.

Get some rest when you can.
Looks great Steve. It always slows down for me here around November-February. This year I am doing some interior cleaning to try something different. Gonna be different working at night so we'll see it how it goes.