On The NEWS, The stolen trailer

That was a VERY smart move buddy. I hope someone wants the $1000.00 reward enough to turn the bastards in and you get your stuff back somehow. Keep us posted.
I own a very small business and I could not imagine someone doing this to me. It has taken me a lot of hard work and sacrifice for some jackass(es)to just swoop in and take my equipment through some sense of entitlement. A lot of these people have no idea what it takes to purchase this kind of equipment. I hope these guys get caught and punished. There is no excuse for this, they are messing with someones means of living.
I am very sorry that this has happened to you. Very tough break, hope you had insurance and good luck getting back up and running.

I have a Hotsy hotwater unit/ tank and trailer that is a spare that we were going to sell and willmake you a hell of a deal on it if you are interested. Just let me know, I am up in Savannah, Georgia.

On a side note.....after you are back up and running, contact the news station, let them do a follow up story on you and your business, it would be a great publicity and possibly even get you some sympathy business.
Great thinking!

That is great that they put it on tv, hopefully someone will rat out on those crackheads.

I hope you get your trailer rig back.
Call Uhaul, I take that video to the GM of all Stores. They also have cams in Uhaul, Crooks are stupid.....They are caught.

You need to act quickly they have already dumbed it. Maybe one of them will sing on the other.

POLICE, thats a JOKE!!! Dont wait for the cops they are too busy. Video and they cant do anything, ill bet they have not even gone to Uhaul.

I want to Fly down there and help you myself. Get the address of the Crooks from the GM with a couple dollars and you might find your machine covered up in the backyard. You might find out they own a PW business.
Thats a good story you should get some results from that. Like I said before and Ron just mentioned, take the video to U-Haul and show them they should help you.
I will be over there this Sunday for about 3 days Dimitar if u need any help give me a call.