OMG - Roof Cleaning Search Domination ?

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
Roof revier is number 1 when I click the link
Thanks Trey, what is going on is Google has SEVERAL different data centers.
Different ones report at different times.
There is a data center returning us number one and two here in Florida.
I had a friend, also in Florida, Larry from All Surface also get the same results I did.
I will be SUPRISED if this Lasts Trey.
This is almost unheard of, ONE web site returning the top two results.
I printed out a copy, to save for my Grand kids.
I dont think it will last, but I HOPE I can stay at number one.
It is a game to me, my way of having fun on the computer :)
same here
Thanks Russ, what Google will do is COMPARE all the data from ALL the Data centers eventually, and we will see what shakes out.
Roof Reminder spends a TON of money on advertising.
I have never spent one dime buying links, or Google ad words.
They are artificial anyway.
The minute the ads stop, byr bye links :(
Same with buying links.
Google finds out someone is selling links, and you are on that page, bye bye.
I did it the : old school way", I worked my azz off.
Google Love Me, and I Love Google !
Google ROCKS
Look at THIS -
This is the FIRST time my web pages have been number one AND number Two :confused:
I don't know WHAT is going on, but I LIKE it :)
Google, You ARE My Friend!

It definetly comes up when I google roof cleaning. I tried looking for mine but started getting dizzy after page 26. LOL. Good job on the links Chris. You must work your azz off on it cause I put a few hrs in on it a week and can't get nowhere near even the first 10 pages...:)
Wow, NOW, a different Google Data Center is reporting, our Tile Roof Cleaning page is gone from number two, but our main page is still number one.
I KNEW that wouldn't last long, LOL
NOW, a whole new group of pages is coming up, that were on the second page an hour ago :confused:
What the heck is going on ?