Obamas birth certificate

These are documents still 'withheld' (over 2 million dollars in lawyers has been spent preventing their release)

Passport records, kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records and schedules, medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license and adoption records.

No that is not made up!
This 'birth certificate' lists obamas fathers' race as African !!! In 1961 ???

The registrars signature is U K L Lee .... Ukulele , seriously this is a joke!
Who cares lets get the country working and fix this mess. Instead of fighting and hating each side, I would actually like to see our representatives working to find some common ground,Dems & Republicans made this mess over the past 30+ years, enough of the BS, I want them to get to fricking work. I would like to be able to raise my rates sometime in my life.
Even if he succeeds at this scam he's got going and makes it through to the next election, if we re-elect him we should all just put a gun in our mouths and pull the trigger and make it easier on his buddies the "peaceful" muslims.
In the "Race of father" blank, he's listed as "African". In 1961, would his race not be listed as negro? African is a nationality, not a race. There are Caucasian Africans...
This election will be about gas prices and obamas failed policies. The GOP needs to needs to stop throwing in progressive republicans. We need a real conservative with balls to call these polititions out on what's going on. This country wont make it much longer without real changes. Open up drilling everywhere, cut entitlements, cut back on regulations, do not raise taxes, shrink government, stop printing money and weakening the dollar, get government out of the way so businesses can prosper and ccreate real jobs. If we actually do these things we can pay down the debt and actually have a country left for our kids and grandkids
I still hate the F..kin douche !! I could care less about his birth certificate. He has done nothing before he was elected and has kept the same track record here. He has not changed anything but our minds about his bullshizit !! Close Gitmo? Tranparency? Change? Dependency on forieign oil? Reduce the debt? Bring our troops home? This African American hawaian malato negro muslim needs to go !!

We need someone with balls to stand up to the Fed's, Opec, U.N. china, it doesnt matter what puppet you put in the white house, it only matters if they all work together for the best options for America !! If they raise the debt cieling in 2 weeks from now that will cause great downfall in our pocket and the pump. The fed's think we can print our way out of debt but it's going to make the dollar so weak that we will be back to wompom soon.

$6.00 gas is comming and I dont know to many people who can sustain that, this will drive up the cost of everything we buy. This country is on the verge of disaster and all this administration does is cut the very programs that are needed in this country, god forbid we cut spending at the government level !! I beleive we will see very hard times ahead it's to late at this point to turn this mess around !! We will survive only if we take a hard stand on spending, and get our asses out of these countries and bring our troops home to protect America.

We lend billions of dollars each year to countries all over the world, I beleive there are around 192 countries and we lend to 150 of them, most of the countries we lend to hate our guts and want us dead? but will let New Orleans rot before we help them? Trump is so right about one thing he always say's WE ARE STUPID !!!!!!!! He may be a little extream on some issues but he is saying what others want to but never will !!
I do have to agree getting all the troops out. Not because I'm against anything military its because its useless. Someone F's with us bomb them 10X over and get out, mess with us again bomb them 100X over.

Afgan, Iraq and Kadfi are a useless waist of time and money for our country at this point. Bring our brave boys and girls home. We spent billions and are still spending WHY??????????. Let them all have at each other, they dont like dictators let them fight for their own freedom. They see the real world on the internet, they can fight for it. This USA is 235 years old screw all the others now. . We can put the billions and trillion + to our debt
Speaking of military Mr.Obama made a new policy that no us service man or woman can speak at any faith related event.Sounds kinda familar?
Do not concern yourself with the birth certificate. The whole thing was based on politics and polls. Based on the polls it was politically beneficial for him not to release the certificate. They could attack the "birthers" as crazy and radical and link them to the republican party. When trump started pushing hard on the subject the polls changed and it became politically benificial to release the document because people started to listen to trump. I can't say in the end if the whole thing will hurt or help obama but I know he loves the fact that everyone is talking about it rather than talking about this country self destructing under his policies. Most in washington only care about what benifits them politically not what is best for the country. I'm not sure how to change that but untill that attitude is changed we are in big trouble regardless who is president.
Even if he succeeds at this scam he's got going and makes it through to the next election, if we re-elect him we should all just put a gun in our mouths and pull the trigger and make it easier on his buddies the "peaceful" muslims.

Amen to that.


Speaking of military Mr.Obama made a new policy that no us service man or woman can speak at any faith related event.Sounds kinda familar?

So you're saying that if I die tomorrow, my active-duty daughter cannot speak at my Christian funeral?
Since our president is a muslim (or claims to be) I wonder if the Islamic way of dealing with someone like him who commits treason on their country is just enough for him? Early in Islamic history, the only form of treason was seen as the attempt to overthrow a just government or waging war against the State. According to Arab tradition, the prescribed punishment ranged from imprisonment to the severing of limbs and the death penalty depending on the severity of the crime.

If the "birthers" are correct this should be a fitting punishment!
if it is a fake and I do beleive it is, and nothing has been done about it, that must mean their are no good guys left, if they cant mustard up enough balls to call this guy out on nothing how in heck are we gonna get rid of him, they have election fraud down to science now, and Im pretty sure most rebulican and dems are all in bed togeather so really their is no party for we the people, makes me sick
He will not see another term !!! if he does I will buy everyone here a steak dinner with Rons credit card....lol...then I will move to Canada.
I do have to agree getting all the troops out. Not because I'm against anything military its because its useless. Someone F's with us bomb them 10X over and get out, mess with us again bomb them 100X over.

Afgan, Iraq and Kadfi are a useless waist of time and money for our country at this point. Bring our brave boys and girls home. We spent billions and are still spending WHY??????????. Let them all have at each other, they dont like dictators let them fight for their own freedom. They see the real world on the internet, they can fight for it. This USA is 235 years old screw all the others now. . We can put the billions and trillion + to our debt

Right on.
we should of sent a squadron of B-2's over afghanistan on the evining of 9-11-01 and reduced the country to a glowing wasteland of molten sand and lethal radiation.
No one, I mean NO ONE would of f'ed with the United States for decades. The message would of been clear and quick, keep your car bomibing BS religous agenda on your shores and not in the US. No US troops either.