Nuff said !!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
I need to get my sound fixed. GRRRRRRRRRRRRr

Without sound this video is as useless to you as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest !!
Well at least he never deserted his wife when she was going through cancer, or actualy recovering from cancer surgery.

And at least he didn't have an affair with a younger woman while he was still married, and at least he wasn't hypocritical when he was leading the march against
Clinton, saying things like , impeach, scoundrel, lowlife to describe Clinton.

At least when he shacked up with his third wife, he wasn't still married to his second.

Nuff Said indeed....

Respect the military yes, or maybe some don't but it iswhat makes the fabric of this nation. You could never see her views on , on campus military recruitment as a sign that she is anti military, but more on the lines of less pressure from the branches, which were paying to be on campuses, with guess whos $$??? hhhmmmmm??

It is extremely easy to find a recruiting office, while other opprotunities availible to college student were not as brought forth. I want the greatest and most talented in the forces, I want a country that looks at both sides of the feild, with out telling the other side to go f-themselve, cause "we just don't agree with you". Well this is growning trend that started in the early 90's, before that bi partisan was a rea and substantial word with meaning, now it is used to say that this side ir the other side is not be bipartisan. Fair and equal debate is what we need to move towards, these times of fighting and bickering are going to defeat our very way of governing.

When one side has a veiw, they all too often dont want to see the other sides perspective, this goes for both sides of the isle. Does ?Nancy Pelosi represent all democracts: HELL no... she is a liberal wack-a-boo that scares me. Does Newt or Rush represent the views of the GOP, I would hope not, these 3 really show the extreme ends of both parties, this country is and always has been a middle of the road society, but now that we have the 24 hour news cycle, things just become one way or no way, for the GOP, and the are great at issueing TALKING POINTS, "there gona take your guns" "they want to give away all your money" well really? I think that more people need to start paying taxes and stop complaining about them, I know more people who get a refund, rather then have to pay out of pockect, now granted sometimes they get a refund cause they paid too much in all year, but not me, I pay 1/4ly and never get a refund. I hear alot of the talk shows mention that it only affects folk who make ove 250k well I dont think thats true, I take a paycheck from my company, not a pay day at the end, and i am in the 35% tax range, even in the years that I didnt make over 250k.

So hopefully we can get our country back to problem at hand, we need not only jobs but we need to become a indrustial nation that produces things, not just make money with money, it is a failiure of a system.

Clinton had a work for welfare deal, why did it go away with Bush? Want welfare, no prob, get out there and work, i dont care what you do, do it. Prisions are packed with people serving life, lets get theses guys working on civil infastructer.
Well at least he never deserted his wife when she was going through cancer, or actualy recovering from cancer surgery.

And at least he didn't have an affair with a younger woman while he was still married, and at least he wasn't hypocritical when he was leading the march against
Clinton, saying things like , impeach, scoundrel, lowlife to describe Clinton.

At least when he shacked up with his third wife, he wasn't still married to his second.

Nuff Said indeed....

Respect the military yes, or maybe some don't but it iswhat makes the fabric of this nation. You could never see her views on , on campus military recruitment as a sign that she is anti military, but more on the lines of less pressure from the branches, which were paying to be on campuses, with guess whos $$??? hhhmmmmm??

It is extremely easy to find a recruiting office, while other opprotunities availible to college student were not as brought forth. I want the greatest and most talented in the forces, I want a country that looks at both sides of the feild, with out telling the other side to go f-themselve, cause "we just don't agree with you". Well this is growning trend that started in the early 90's, before that bi partisan was a rea and substantial word with meaning, now it is used to say that this side ir the other side is not be bipartisan. Fair and equal debate is what we need to move towards, these times of fighting and bickering are going to defeat our very way of governing.

When one side has a veiw, they all too often dont want to see the other sides perspective, this goes for both sides of the isle. Does ?Nancy Pelosi represent all democracts: HELL no... she is a liberal wack-a-boo that scares me. Does Newt or Rush represent the views of the GOP, I would hope not, these 3 really show the extreme ends of both parties, this country is and always has been a middle of the road society, but now that we have the 24 hour news cycle, things just become one way or no way, for the GOP, and the are great at issueing TALKING POINTS, "there gona take your guns" "they want to give away all your money" well really? I think that more people need to start paying taxes and stop complaining about them, I know more people who get a refund, rather then have to pay out of pockect, now granted sometimes they get a refund cause they paid too much in all year, but not me, I pay 1/4ly and never get a refund. I hear alot of the talk shows mention that it only affects folk who make ove 250k well I dont think thats true, I take a paycheck from my company, not a pay day at the end, and i am in the 35% tax range, even in the years that I didnt make over 250k.

So hopefully we can get our country back to problem at hand, we need not only jobs but we need to become a indrustial nation that produces things, not just make money with money, it is a failiure of a system.

Clinton had a work for welfare deal, why did it go away with Bush? Want welfare, no prob, get out there and work, i dont care what you do, do it. Prisions are packed with people serving life, lets get theses guys working on civil infastructer.

I have alot of issues with what you said, but this part is really the only thing worth commenting on. Everyone talks about "Bipartisanship". Why even have 2 parties if all they do is agree with one another? Doesnt make much sense.
What kills me about Kagan is that when Harriet Miers was nominated, who was a successful attorney, president of the Texas bar, the first woman hired by her Law firm, and was eventually managing partner, and quit to become white house counsel, was unqualified, due to lack of judicial experience.
Now Kagan comes along, has never worked for a law firm, but was a professor, and is now Solicitor General, which is a prestigious position, no doubt. (I wonder how she looks in a swallow tail coat) is considered by the same people to be a perfect candidate.
The partisan ambiguity just amazes me.

To make it simple for you, in essence it means that you can come to a fair agreement that both parties contribute to, if not then it is called dictatorship.

But this is the last thing I will say on this matter.


Joe Crowder

To make it simple for you, in essence it means that you can come to a fair agreement that both parties contribute to, if not then it is called dictatorship.

But this is the last thing I will say on this matter.


Joe Crowder
I guess your blood is boiling and it is a sensitive subject. Want to have a seat and tell me about it? or if you prefer, you can sit on that chair and lay back and relax a bit. Just drop the check in the box marked payment due on the way out. Lucy's pysche shoppe. Worked for Charlie Brown......
What kills me about Kagan is that when Harriet Miers was nominated, who was a successful attorney, president of the Texas bar, the first woman hired by her Law firm, and was eventually managing partner, and quit to become white house counsel, was unqualified, due to lack of judicial experience.
Now Kagan comes along, has never worked for a law firm, but was a professor, and is now Solicitor General, which is a prestigious position, no doubt. (I wonder how she looks in a swallow tail coat) is considered by the same people to be a perfect candidate.
The partisan ambiguity just amazes me.

Well how could someone who clerked for Thurgood Marshall NOT be a good candidate? :barf: