Pat Norman
New member
Just last week I had a welder customize my 4 way Jrods to 5. Here is how I set mine up for the way we operate. I've recently fell in love with 5 degree tips is why I added the 5th nozzle.
On my high pressure tips set for flatwork I setup 5* 15* 25* & 40* and one 60* low pressure soap tip also used for final sweeping. No zero tip here that my tech could accidentally hook up and zorro with. The 5* is great for popping gum up.
All my other jrods are setup with one orifice size and 40* 25* 15* 5* & 0* shooter tips.
For soaping houses I usually use a #50 or #40 orifice if I want to cut down the soap or even a #30 will draw soap on my 8gpm sometimes if the injector is fresh. The 0* and 5*are great up high and if I'm under a front porch the 40* with no lance is great. The 25* & 15* are great at intermediate heights. I usually do all the soap application then change orifice sizes and hand off the wand to my helper to do the rinsing.
Rinsing I usually use a #30 gpm orifice if I want to up the pressure a tad. Sometimes I rinse with a #40 especially if I'm downstreaming a very weak mix of scented Mr. Clean which helps with window spotting smells great and just seems to add a little extra sparkle. It only takes maybe two ounces in a 5'er downstreamed.
The #20 orifice set sees limited duty but was handy for instance stripping the log cabin church or some times rinsing brick. Usually for deck work I don't like the added weight of the jrod so I have a single 4020 nozzle for decks.
Also pictured are my Dirt Killer turbo sans the rubber cover with filter , M-Jet and Hi-Lo variable nozzle on a short wand.
I used to love the Hi Lo Variable but problems I had I eventually came to like my Jrods better. I can definitely downstream a stronger mix with #50 tips. I seem to have better fan pattern and spray control. The reed system in the variable nozzle often had some out of control mist that came back on me when spraying upward and I always seemed to get soaked worse.