Now This Would Be A Fun Roof To Clean!

I would be interested in that. hahahahahaha
And they didn't even call me for a BID.....
I would have bid on it, I did not get a call either. I need to put some pictures of me cleaning superdomes on my website, maybe next time. hahahahahahaha
I'm just curious as to how a Non Pressure Roof Cleaning method would have worked out on hat Roof. They said hey have ten guys working on it and it's gonna take up to 2 weeks to complete. They also mention that they've Cleaned it before and it doesn't last long. I'm wondering if they are using just water and high pressure to Clean it.
I'm just curious as to how a Non Pressure Roof Cleaning method would have worked out on hat Roof. They said hey have ten guys working on it and it's gonna take up to 2 weeks to complete. They also mention that they've Cleaned it before and it doesn't last long. I'm wondering if they are using just water and high pressure to Clean it.
im curious to that as well. i would love to do that job:D!
I'm just curious as to how a Non Pressure Roof Cleaning method would have worked out on hat Roof. They said hey have ten guys working on it and it's gonna take up to 2 weeks to complete. They also mention that they've Cleaned it before and it doesn't last long. I'm wondering if they are using just water and high pressure to Clean it.

What about using a mold inhibitor? Would it be cost effective to use on this job if they have to do it too often?
Below that picture it mentions this:

A worker has a hot job with a great view as he power washes the roof of the Louisiana Superdome Tuesday.

I think it would go a lot faster using surface cleaners but if it is foam, the foam would not handle the pressure.

Anyone read the comments at the bottom? Some are very funny. hahaha

Here are some from that article:

Someone suggested that the Super Dome looks like a deoderant bar then someone else came up with this one:

The Gilette Super Dome, tough enough to deodorize any stinky city. Well almost, still stinks like trash in places. Guess STD will have to do a better I mean SDT.


I always wondered the same thing. Seems like a great canvass for a local artist. Although fleur de lis is kind of played out... so how about a giant smilely face, or a "spimma" rim! I think the top of the dome could be put to more use. Solar panel it, and it can have self sustaining power... then when the hurricane hits, they will not loose power. Oh I'm sorry, didn't mean to speak progressive in the city, I know how much people hate that!

If Target does not work for you, how about painting it like a bucket of Popeyes chicken. maybe some fiberglass chicken legs mounted on the roof.
That would be funny! hahahahaha

lets get a sponsor like hooters and all they need to paint is a nipple on top..........
They should have gone with a helicopter that use is that thing that puts out fires. Fill it up with apple sauce and drop it about 100 ft above the dome.
Be done before lunch.
That is a good idea, sure would save a lot of time and walking.
I think we should send Ron to sell them on the helicopter idea. We could have a round table the same day and do a demo on the roof. That would be cool to watch. Bombs away
That might work.

From what I can tell, they are using wands to do the building.

Maybe if you had enough people and rigs and long enough hoses, you might be able to knock it out in a week or less.

That would be some work stringing out those hoses, a lot faster with a helicopter. hahahahaha
Ron can fly the helicopter and hang out Jeff Le xjet it. Thats what I want to see at the next round table.
Hahahah thats a good one. I can read it in the papper "New age roof cleaning":D
Heck I would have just used a pumper truck with a long ladder , Siphon degreaser and blast away .. I watched guys clean the coliseum in Jackson Ms and they used an old fire ladder truck and cheap little cold water units ...

When was this?
LOL...Can you imagine riding around on that Roof? It would be like riding around on the moon in a land rover. Only problem is, you CAN fall off THIS moon. :rolleyes: I'm sure with some vegetable oil it would make the worlds biggest slip and slide. Hahaha!
Rinsing would be easier than most jobs, all down hill.