Nothing can fix this can it?

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
We dropped off a requested bid with a PM today, then proceeded to visit 4 more PM's. We got to the last one and the pictures below are what we found in the front and parking area.

1st question: in the first pic this is either painted or probably stained red concrete. I dont know what was done here, but almost all the stain is gone. Can this be blended back?

2nd question: Does pic 3 and 4 look lik caustic burn?

3rd question: It turns out, THIS property is managed by the FIRST PM where we dropped off the requested bid earlier in the day. Should I include these pics and mention that the other company said SHE is responsible for this concrete and THIS is the condition we found it in. OR should I just keep my mouth shut?


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This may be way off but, We had white stains like pictures 3 & 4 from caustic on some brick pavers. We sprayed vinegar with a pump sprayer on the white areas and they went away.

It may not work for this but it did work on the pavers.......good luck
I would inform her and send pictures to show her about the damage.

Explain to her about the damage and how to prevent it by using a company that has knowledge of proper cleaning methods and actually cares about doing a good job.

The damaged red concrete might be able to be re-stained and that might hide some of the damage. Looks like they are using too much pressure or the quality of concrete is substandard, one of many reasons I test concrete before cleaning much low quality concrete in my area.

Hard to tell about the asphalt, could be dried soap or caustic, my monitor is not too good, most things look dark. hahaha

Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Exterior House Cleaning Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Cleaning Driveways and Sidewalks Corpus Christi Texas
Can't comment on the asphalt mess, but the concrete can be fixed! Needs to be restained and sealed.....this will make your future clean-ups way easier too :)
does look like some ofthe cream was run off and to much pressure.they knocked out the stain. I did the same thing on my inlaws house. the contractor told them it was the crete that was colored not the cream. but they liked test spot so on i went. turned out nice
I went ahead and sent the pics last night and found requests to bid three more buildings this morning in our email.

8:02 am got a call from the "under" PM who is specifically in charge of the building with the damage asking us to give her a bid to blend the damage for now and maybe reseal it in the future.

They have about 60 buildings including a basketball stadium. We might be off to a good start.
Can't comment on the asphalt mess, but the concrete can be fixed! Needs to be restained and sealed.....this will make your future clean-ups way easier too :)

We got the account and tried to blend the two colors of red on the stained concrete in, but it wouldn't budge.

So now the PM wants a quote to restain it.

I left a mssg for Tracy to give me a call.
Tony did the asphalt stuff go away? Is it caustic burn or from the cream? Did you ever figure it out? Yea nothing helps closing a deal like showing them the mess from "the last guy" or damage from some idiot, aka low ballers.
Tony did the asphalt stuff go away? Is it caustic burn or from the cream? Did you ever figure it out? Yea nothing helps closing a deal like showing them the mess from "the last guy" or damage from some idiot, aka low ballers.

It was just cream. We got our dose of it on the back sidewalk. I shouldn't have been so cocky about it because that concrete was crap and even on the highest height setting we were still taking cream off the back sidewalk! I don't think the back had ever been cleaned. What a mess.

I won't be so judgmental of the competition next time.:eek: