Not closing with the PM


New member
I have done some bids for diffent PM. But none have move to get the go ahead. He are some Condos, and Malls, Shoping Centers. the past 3-4weeks. I even gave them a discount if they sign by the 6/19.
I have talked to them. Emailed them and stop by to see them, and gave them some pens.
Nothing yet. Any ideas on what next?
I will be seeing one at a PMA Monaday night.
Thanks Ron for the quick reply. Some of them have called me and ask for estimates. In which in the past they moved quick.
But you are right, when I cold call them alot slower. I just hope not 6years. One I got off the elvator, Thanks to you or Jeff, I would have never had look there.
What Ron said. Did you send bids? Send bids automatically (I like a fax) so they have them, get a look at the price. Find out who makes the decision for each property so you know whos' name to put on them.