nonpayment from contractor

FYI... I know several pressure washers that make much more than most attorneys. That's why I would wash. When you can quit being an attorney to wash, that's a step in the right direction if that's what you desire.
Then you know pretty lame attorneys. 99.9% of the people on this board do not make more than $100K, most make less than 80K. If you know attorneys in that salary range, no doubt they are in good shape from chasing all of the ambulances around town! (And we are not talking company gross, we are talking salary gross.
Prepaid Legal

Anyone on this board use Prepaid Legal? It's huge in Europe but I hear very little about it here. I don't like Multilevel Marketing, but this one's probably gonna do well.

I bought into it, have used it a few times, and it saved me alot of money in what would have otherwise been legal fees.

I recommend it.
Trevor.... Why would that mean that I know some pretty lame attorneys?? I know some pressure washers that make more than most attorneys make. Yes, take home. Just stating a fact. Has nothing to do with attorneys I know, but has all to do with pressure washers I know.

Yes, there are many attorneys who don't see $80,000 a year. There are even some who don't see $60,000.

What I meant by it all is that it doesn't matter who you are or what kind of education you have, it matters that you are persistant and work hard in what you are doing. Pressure washing is an industry of wealth if one knows what he or she is doing.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. It's late and I'm off to bed. By the way, it's nice to meet you Trevor. I don't know everyone on this board but am begining to get to know some of them. I live in Ohio and currently do some distributing and consulting. I moved here from Michigan.

Good night. Oh, it may be a day or two before I post again but I am going to try to at least check every day and make a post.
I would definately get a lawyer if it is still unpaid. I might also be inclined to take the following steps:

1. contact the customer and get a letter stating that the service was performed in a timely manner and to their complete satisfaction. This eliminates the issue of unsatisfactory service.

2. Verify the amount that constitutes small claims, just so you know. THen use a lawyer anyway. TOo many parties involved not to.

3. I would also be real tempted to draft a letter outlining everything and mail it to the company that was contracted with, and in closing state that by NOT responding with payment they agree that they are in breech of contract and that they fully understand that they are liable for immediate payment. Then I would send it certified...return receipt requested. At that point you have gotten them after a period of time (state in the letter say 30 days) to admit be the actio non non action that they are in breech. The receipt card will help you.

Just a couple suggestions. Hope they help.

staying in touch

to everyone replying,

I just wanted to say that I am still following this thread with great interest and many many thanks for all of the information. I haven't posted because I'm just not aware of too much more information on this incident. However, I hope you'll be happy to know that the friend has received part of this thread in an email and has since registered on the board. He's a window washer (high rise) and he says he's looking forward to getting involved on the bb. But again, thanks for the information and the advice. I'll encourage him to keep us informed on how this all proceeds.
