No water

Like many of the other western cities on this list, Phoenix is extremely dependent on water imported from the Colorado River. This is because nearly half of the water the city's residents use comes from this significant source. As the Colorado River Basin enters the eleventh year of its drought, the city's reliance on the river may soon become a serious problem. If the drought continues, water deliveries to Arizona could potentially be cut back. To keep up a sufficient water supply, Phoenix is adopting an aggressive campaign to recycle water, replenish groundwater and try to dissuade over-consumption. Time will tell if it these measures will be enoug


I would like to know when we are conserving water around here?
Uhm, there are a few things that are factually wrong. Phoenix gets most of their water from the Salt River basin. There is enough water in Roosevelt lake to supply Phoenix with water for 5 years, by itself. We also have ground water acquifers that are used extensively. In fact, most of the water that Phoenix gets from the Colorado is passed through to Tucson.
Los Angeles gets the majority of their water from North of Los Angeles. Have you ever heard about the Los Angeles river? It is really a VERY big canal built for the sole purpose of moving water from somewhere south of S.F. to Los Angeles. It is a 400 mile trip.
I am not saying that Phoenix is running out of water, but this story is factually wrong.