No pressure video

Scott D.

A little video we shot. Ive never seen a video of the no pressure cleaning, so here's one. Its a little time lapsed. The total time from when I started spraying till done hosing was 11:33. Enjoy!

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You left some money in the driveway. You should go back and pick it up.:D
I tried i tried!! Believe me! But his roof was a grand almost by itself, and he wasnt sure he wanted to get that. so instead of pressing the issue, I just did the roof, and gave him an estimate for the drive and the exterior of his house. Now that the roofs clean, the house looked like crap! hahaha
Wow nice job!

Judging by the cost of your job just for the roof, i would guess it would have been another 1500.00 for the house too! Thats good money!:D
yep, Thats about what I quoted him. The roof was pretty easy to clean and parts of it were not dirty somehow, so I only charged him $750. But not too bad for about 5-6 hours worth of work..and im hoping to get his wrap around drive and exterior. Plus he's got some fountains that are green...hmm, we'll see, and ill let you know.

Judging by the cost of your job just for the roof, i would guess it would have been another 1500.00 for the house too! Thats good money!:D
Good job and good video..
Scott, How long did that sit before you rinsed?

Video looks great.

Well the total video was 11:33. So it sat between 5-7 minutes. 2 minutes to apply, 2 minutes to rinse. Give or take. I never believed it could actually be just prayed on and hosed off, and never saw a video, thats whyi posted this one. Thanks.
Well the total video was 11:33. So it sat between 5-7 minutes. 2 minutes to apply, 2 minutes to rinse. Give or take. I never believed it could actually be just prayed on and hosed off, and never saw a video, thats whyi posted this one. Thanks.
One easy to make mistake when rinsing is to not allow enough dwell time.
Then, you have to re apply chemical again, and repeat.
Solution ?
Always give at LEAST 10 minutes dwell time before ya rinse, more time if cold or light colored shingles, or weak solution, etc.
Back when I first started out, I always liked to go "gather a crowd" of neighbors to watch a roof get rinsed.