No mosquitoes.


Member Specialist
It was given at a gardening forum: Put some water in a white dinner plate and add just a couple of drops of Lemon Fresh Joy dishwashing soap. Set the dish on a porch or patio. Not sure what attracts them, the lemon smell, the white color, or what, but mosquitoes flock to it, and drop dead, or fall into the water, or on the floor within about 10 ft. Works just super!

Enjoy the mosquito free summer!!!!
Thanks Jon for the tip. Just seen the truck going around spraying for mosquitoes but even that does not work. Will lay a dish by my garden thats where they like to hang out. Anna:)
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I am in mosqito capoital. I would like to know if you are having success with the formula. I did try once, but I may have got it wrong. Did get a few other bugs.
Glenn here in Calif. we don't make large ones, but they sure do multiply fast!

It is the flies we have more of and a simply way to rid your yard of flies is get a glass mayo jar, half inch of water and piece of meat, put holes in the top and hang it outside away from your door.

They make a lid that the flies can get in but not out and most Ace Hardware stores and others carry them.

Just keep the lid so you remove the plastic lid and replace it with the orginal one to dispose of.

Stench is bad so hold your breath.
Here in Minnesota I think it would more than a dinner plate... thinking maybe the kids' swimming pool! You know, the mosquito is our "state bird". Seriously, I'm going to try this tip... really want to see if it works.

Entomologists know that mosquitos are attracted to two things: carbon dioxide (from our exhalations) and light blue.

Spraying permethryins and pyrethrins will kill mosquitos but you cannot spray where it will get into waterways. Although harmless to animals and humans it will cause a fish kill. Marigolds are a natural source of permethryins hence their common use.

The best thing to try when you are having a party is to put a block of dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) in a corner of your deck/ patio. The concentrated lure of high levels of CO2 will attract the little blighters. The hypercold will freeze their little carcasses and they will shatter when they hit something solid. Also makes an amazing fog machine and super beverage quick chiller.

Not that I am bitter, but it is only the female mosquito that sucks your blood. Somewhat ironic if you ask me :)
I wonder what the bug people are spraying on yards for this and if it works... I can't even enjoy an afternoon watching my kids play for the dang mosquitoes... and candles keep getting knocked over by basketballs