
Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Who’s your favorite teams,,

I love Da' bears, mostly because of the greatest player that ever lived. The former Walter Payton.

I think Payton was not the greatest running back but the best player that ever played the game. I know many people out there will say Jim Brown was the best and when I say but did you see Walter throw that td pass or that key Block so his full back or the fridge can score most people say WHAT?

My Favorite and only Team win or Loose has been the bears. My least favorite is the cardinals.
Packers fan from the 60's before we had a team in Cincy (haven't been able to call this one a team for the past 12 tearful years - after 20 years we gave up season tickets a few years ago - wife's been miserable since, cause she loves football - she's a Dolphins fan).

I root for every team the Bengals play against - haven't been let down yet.

My best friend was a Browns fan (Jim Brown, Leroy Kelly, Paul Warfield, Gearge Blanda) I couldn't root for the same team because we always competed in everything so I picked a team from the Black & Blue division.

I liked defense more than anything else (drooled to play in the mud and apply hits like Nitscke, Butkus, Tommy Nobis, the "Fearsome Foursome from Minne-ha-ha").

Now I would just like to see a great a game where they don't call the head slaps and the quarterbacks are not in the grasp or celebrations are allowed on the field or players can throw their helmets in disgust.

The Skins..reawaiting the glory days!

A stupid Cowboy fan is a redundant statement!!!!!!

Paul, great way to put it. i guess i too root for the team playing the cards.

Gav, I never like the cowboys, I think they have alot of fans when they win. its that americas team thing i guess.

I do like the Skins, but i have been a packer supporter. I have many friends that have chesse head partys. I guess i have grown to like them. Of course the fans in greenbay are great Fans. maybe the best in teh NFL.
You mentioned the Cards??? are they that semi pro Arizona team, with the fat jerk as the owner?

Hey Mark, it must be nice to be a fecal this year, speacily as your 6-10 mil under the salary cap, but has anyone wondered, what if Mcnabb goes down, by the way, thanks for the spanking a few mondays back, see you on 12/15 for the split!!!

I like the Cowboys, and no I did not jump on the band wagon...
Liked the team since 1977, at the age of seven...

the original gangster team... lol

I hear you Chuck, Everyone else is on the hind utter!!!

A Redskin fan in Dallas for the weekend stops at a saloon and walks up to the bar, after being ignored for several minutes by the bartender and the patrons, he shouts over to the barkeep,

"hey can I have a beer over here please"

where upon the bar keep informs him,

"we don't serve Redskin fans in here"

"look" says the Redskin fan " I'm just here for the weekend, I'm a Taxedermist and I'm here for a seminar"

"whats a taxedermist" asked the barman

"I mount animals"

"It's ok guys, he's one of us" the barman shouts to the rest of the yocals!


E-A-G-L-E-S , I am originally from South Philadelphia, about 10 blocks from the stadium. What was really cool was on home games I could hear the cheers from the stadium as I watched the games on T.V.

P.S. I also HATE the cowboys as does every self respecting Philadelphian or Eagles fan.
I love it, keeping the rivalry alive, hopefully in a couple of years it will mean something again to the rest of the league!


That's true, the rivalry is not as much fun when one of the teams stinks as the boys do this year. It much more fun when both teams are good and it is fight to the last second.

I didn't know the cowboy fans had a rivalry with the redskins. I just thought no one liked the redskins. lol
What you on about bro, everyone but yall pokes love us, after all we are the nations team.

Get ready for some Capital Punishment on turkey day, I hope it doesn't give you indigestion before the big meal!!
