Newbie Training

Scott Stone

New member
Common pressure washing questions

Is my pressure washer big enough?

I am certain that it is, depending on what kind of job you are doing. I am certain that someone could wash a parking garage with a 2GPM Home Depot machine.

How much should I charge?

It all depends on what you want to make. Personally, I would charge as little as possible for at least the first 5 years you are in business. Everyone is making too much as it is. I mean, really, who needs to make more than $10 an hour?

What should I pay people?

Well, since you are making $10 an hour, it would stand to reason that employees should make at least that, otherwise you are not being fair.

How do I get accounts?

Sell them on price, to heck with getting the work done. For pricing guidance go to number two.

What is the best work vehicle?

I have always found 20 year old Hyundais to be exceptional. You can always slip that Home Depot machine in the trunk, and then take it out on Saturday night.

What type of jobs should I do?

Concrete in the worst neighborhoods always seems to be the most lucrative. Don’t mind the gun shots. It is just the locals trying to let you know how much they care.

Does doing hoods require any special training?

Not with your trusty machine. You will need to buy some special equipment though. Usually 1 gallon of Sheila Shine is enough to do a week worth of hoods. Just be careful of those nasty ducts. It might get your rag dirty.

If I wash trucks, will I need to brush them?

Never. Remember this is easy work that is why you are making so much money.

Do I need insurance?

No, why waste the money? Good grief if you get sued give them your pressure washer and tell them that you are no longer in business. Then you can go to seven eleven to get back your former job.

Do I have to recover wash water?

The CWA is over rated. Push it out in the street, no one will ever know. It is even better if there is a small stream or river nearby. Then it gets quickly diluted.

Do I have to use chemicals?

With your powerhouse of a machine, you can handle any project. Don’t worry about it. Chemicals are just there to make other people money.

My Machine broke, how do I fix it?

Well, it is time to go find another job anyway.
More newbie questions
Do I need a lisence?

Absolutley not, why spend that much money. Your customers don't care about a lisence, besides, no lisence means you might be able to lower your prices evne more.

Do I need insurance?

Absolutly not, see Number One above

If I hire someone to help, do I need worker's comp

Absolutly not, see number one above
Pressure washer from home depot 195.00

Hourly wage 10.00

Training from Scott and Douglas PRICELESS!
Is there any benefit in training?

Absolutely none. You will learn everything in the field. Customers always understand that it is one of your first jobs, and are still willing to pay your premium prices of close to $20 an hour. Above all, you need to preserve your base rates.
Oh come one Russ, keep it clean...

Can I clean Sidewalks wiht my little 1.1 GPM machine. It has 1100 PSI?

Sure, if you want, you can really make an effort and take 8 hours to do about 1000 square feet. Of course, your back might get a bit sore.
That being the case, Scott will you please start some more serious threads?
hey Ron, Wha happen??? where did you go??
I am starting out on a limited budget. Do I really need to buy a machine?

No, they are all over rated. Most people can get the same results with a hose and time, and maybe even a bit of soap. Just make sure to not buy those expensive purpose built soaps. A little dawnand bleach will wash anything.
cant i just spray it with wal mart bleach and scrub it with a brush and get the same results?over

Sure you can. What ever is left over can just go down the storm drain. Isn't it nice of the city to provide this easy disposal method?

if i clean a hood do i need to go on the roof?

Duh, no. It is the hood, and the hood is in the kitchen. Of course you don't need to go up on the roof. Besides, it might get slippery up there.

what kind of bristles does a water broom have and where is the water ????? in the handle ?????? do you squirt it like that thing mom has in the kitchen?

There are those fancy brooms that you can buy at a pressure washer distributor, but there are a lot of better ones out there. The pressure washing distirbutors never sell a broom with the bristles. You need to just use your hoses and spray the bristles as you sweep the area to be cleaned. You will be amazed at the effort that is required to do the work.
Do I really need to recover my water?

Recovery is very easy and is accomplished by putting a lid on your tank. This is a federal regulation so that you might want to make sure that you recover your tank properly.