New Years Resolutions

Clean County PW

Active member
SO what is your New Years Resolution?

Keep this in mind before picking a "New Years Resolution". What has one of the biggest failing rates in History....You guessed it "New Years Resolutions".

When most people pick one they almost always fail. So with that in mind I don't have any. I pick my resolutions at a later date such as getting in better shape etc. Because If I pick it on New years Eve I will surely fail because I will be eating for sure after the ball drops.

SO as for resolutions I don't have any because I don't like the odds for success. What about you all. Good luck to those who have them.

hey John
happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!

for the past 300 years i have had the same one......
no more copenhagen............... so i went to skoal.... that didnt help so it's back to copenhagen............. i even made mottos for my self ...... no-more in '94>>>>>>>> no chew in '92>>>>>> stay alive in '95>>>>>>>>>>>>>etc etc etc ........

and this year is the same as '92... except "no chew in 2002"

o-well maybe someday>>>>>>>>>>>>>

But i guess if I was to stick to anything I would say that the one we all need to do is
#1) PRAY
#2) stop wasting time watching t.v/computer

ya know i heard this fact................ by the time our kids turn 20 most of them would have watched 20,000 hours of t.v... add 10,000 for another 10 years.....

so can you believe that if they ( we, I ) would / could use that time spent on t.v and if( we ) would of read ..... just think what we could of become............ wow 20,000 hours reading about how to be a lawyer,dentist,doctor,astrunaut, etc.etc.etc...........

so even though i would love to quit chewing ..... i would rather find where im wasting time and try to change in that area.
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I did pretty good last year on resolutions.....think I'll raise the bar this year.

Work fewer hours but get more accomplished. That should be a challenge.

Reduce stress levels.

Those are mine.....

think I'll change this year,kuss alittle more,chew alittle more,drink alittle more,dance alittle on the bar and just have a good time making alittle living................o I got joy joy joy joy in my heart in my heart o I got joy joy joy in my heart in my heart.........rolling rolling on the river rolling rolling on the river.......O I got joy joy joy rolling on the river with my heart with my heart.....COME ON SPRING TIME COME ON SPRING TIME before it freeeeeeeeeeeeeze's my heart,heha.

I'm going to enjoy life nomatter what it brings to my front door and not set and feel sorry it came though my door as to learn about life and its many many ways of living life.
To run Propower wash out of the Fleet washing business.:D :D :D

Just kidding, Ron doesn't do Fleets, so it was already accomplished.

I want to improve my sales efforts. Market better, and get some more high quality accounts. I also want to improve my leadership with my employees.
New Year Resolutions

January 2002

New Year Resolutions

I don’t remember the last time I even thought about making a resolution for the New Year let alone actually making one/some!

Reading the posts of others has prompted me to ponder what I should do for me and mine.

I have heard that a resolution has a better chance of being completed if it is published. Listing for yourself and others that the resolution may affect. Put the list on the refrigerator door, etc. Posting the list in a prominent place will help you to be reminded of what you resolved to do for yourself. Of course you run the risk of others pointing out when you are not attaining your goal! :)

With all of that said here is my list of resolutions for this year and beyond.

Stop worrying so much.

Be slower to anger.

Smile and laugh more.

Tell others (family, friends, employees, vendors, customers) how much I appreciate them and what they have done for and or helped me with.

List 5 different things each day that I am thankful for even if the list is only in my mind.

Dave Olson

PS: Yes I have printed this out and put it on our refrigerator door!