New Shopping center


I have the opportunity to bid on a new shopping center. The construction will be complete late October. I have a ball park figure on what the price per sq. ft. should be bidded at. I just want to make sure Im close to what you guys would bid it at. Thanks for all your help.

Thsnks all,
Whats your ball park? and is it brand new construction or an older center?
love to start maintenance on a new property as compared to an older one. If its new, I can keep it clean, when its old, it takes a good initial to get it into shape
Its new construction. Not even occupied yet. There are some signage but not open yet. Being new construction I was thinking somewhere around .06 to .08 per sq ft. It is 3288 sq ft of sidewalk bringing the total monthly to somewhere around $197.28 to $263.04. Am I even close

Its new construction. Not even occupied yet. There are some signage but not open yet. Being new construction I was thinking somewhere around .06 to .08 per sq ft. It is 3288 sq ft of sidewalk bringing the total monthly to somewhere around $197.28 to $263.04. Am I even close


how dirty is it, is it just dirt, a couple pieces of gum, really soft concrete that is very green still or has it had a while to cure properly
I would have a talk with them about the green concrete (you don't want to take a chance and end up going out of business buying them a new sidewalk) because they wanted you to pressure wash brand new concrete since you might not have mentions the liabilities and the debris is a whole other story.

Find out and type up a proposal with what you will do and not do because if it is not in writing, sometimes if you don't do what they want, you will not get paid, turns into a he said-she said thing.
Make sure the concrete is strong enough to with stand high pressure and heat. At times (here in Vegas) the concrete is so delicate that it can easily be etched, especially after a new pour.