NEW Ready Seal Brochures!


Ms Awesome
Check out the new brochures we have made "For Contractors!" Check them out <a href="">HERE</a>.
Very cool, except for one line. "easily applied with brush, roller, garden sprayer or powered sprayer. We don't want our customers to know it's easy to apply.

Maybe the brochure should have something else like: Contact your Professional Wood Restoration Contractor for proper application.


Easily applied through our Network of Professional Contractors, call us for names.
Maybe the brochure should have something else like: Contact your Professional Wood Restoration Contractor for proper application.


Easily applied through our Network of Professional Contractors, call us for names.

Hey Chris,

If I read this correctly, these are flyers for us to give out to our customers. In that case, I'd prefer not to suggest calling for a

I think it's fine the way it is. After all, how else can you apply a sealer?
My mistake, I thought those were to hand out to customers in the Sunbrite stores, not the contractors to hand out.
I still agree with Danny's comment, the customer's don't need to know how easy it is to apply since it will be the contractor's job unless the point is to educate the customer how easy it is to apply so they can just go into your store and buy it themselves.

I guess the real questions are........Do you sell the the public (homeowners, weekend warriors, high school kids, people doing this on the side, etc...)????

And...Are you trying to market to both the Contractor and public or just the Contractor?

If you want to make the contractor happy, I would get rid of the message about how easy it is to apply, contractors know how to apply it or they would not be contractors or be in business. If you are marketing it to both the contractor and the public and want to sell to the general public then I would leave it alone.

Just my unbiased opinion.
I still agree with Danny's comment, the customer's don't need to know how easy it is to apply since it will be the contractor's job unless the point is to educate the customer how easy it is to apply so they can just go into your store and buy it themselves.

I guess the real questions are........Do you sell the the public (homeowners, weekend warriors, high school kids, people doing this on the side, etc...)????

And...Are you trying to market to both the Contractor and public or just the Contractor?

If you want to make the contractor happy, I would get rid of the message about how easy it is to apply, contractors know how to apply it or they would not be contractors or be in business. If you are marketing it to both the contractor and the public and want to sell to the general public then I would leave it alone.

Just my unbiased opinion.

Sunbrite is selling these to us as contractors to give to our potential customers, if that is so, then I wouldn't want that statement in there, however if Sunbrite is just wanting to sell the product (sealer) to the public, then it is ok.
Sunbrite is selling these to us as contractors to give to our potential customers, if that is so, then I wouldn't want that statement in there, however if Sunbrite is just wanting to sell the product (sealer) to the public, then it is ok.

I agree with you about that.

Kind of takes away the mystique of how the contractor can do such a great job, charge what he does for his specialty and turns it into something like Hmmmmmmm I can buy those paint brushes, rollers or pads at the paint store or home depot, I think I could do the job myself.

Of course most people will not want to do the job themselves or have the time or want to deal with the chemicals but why make the brochure mention that in the first place if it was REALLY meant for contractors to give out to customers?????????

Just my unbiased opinion.
Danny and Chris, we understand your point and thank you for your opinion. :) What we do to help out contractors is that we do not sell Ready Seal to homeowners very easily. They pay a higher price for the sealer than contractors do. We have already printed a few of these and when we do our reprint we will look into changing that statement for you guys.

Also, to clarify, these new brochures are made for the contractors to hand out to their customers. The regular Ready Seal brochures are made to sell Ready Seal to any one who is using it.
Very cool, except for one line. "easily applied with brush, roller, garden sprayer or powered sprayer. We don't want our customers to know it's easy to apply.

We have changed this on the new flyers. I do not have a new pic on the web...but that line is gone.
Not to cause an issue here, but....I did purchase a pack of the fliers earlier this year. I thought it would be a good add-on flier to the ones I already leave with customers. Immediately I realized the error in my purchase. The biggest problem I see on the flier is the BIG add for Sunbright Supply. I realize that you are producing the fliers, etc, but if us contractors are paying for them, I don't want your advertisement on there. Why would I want MY potential customer to call Sunbrite for RS? Now don't get me wrong, I buy from Sunbrite all the time. I just feel that if you are already getting payment for these, you shouldn't advertise on them. If you gave them out for free with every order of RS, that would be fine. As it stands now, I would advise against any contractor PAYING for these.
Not to cause an issue here, but....I did purchase a pack of the fliers earlier this year. I thought it would be a good add-on flier to the ones I already leave with customers. Immediately I realized the error in my purchase. The biggest problem I see on the flier is the BIG add for Sunbright Supply. I realize that you are producing the fliers, etc, but if us contractors are paying for them, I don't want your advertisement on there. Why would I want MY potential customer to call Sunbrite for RS? Now don't get me wrong, I buy from Sunbrite all the time. I just feel that if you are already getting payment for these, you shouldn't advertise on them. If you gave them out for free with every order of RS, that would be fine. As it stands now, I would advise against any contractor PAYING for these.

That is a very good point!

If I did a lot of wood restoration work and there was a possibility that they could buy from the supplier, they would slip back into homeowner's mentality and figure something like, well, I would have to pay more for the product but I could do the job by myself and save a lot overall. Hmmmmmm.

This is what contractors don't want to happen, don't want a possibility to even be there.

I know that having brochures made up cost money, I have had Keith at KBK do a lot of work for me so I know that making changes cost hardly anything compared to totally revamping a brochure or making a new brochure all together.

If I was Sunbrite, I would have 2 brochures, one to hand out to customers that has the Sunbrite name on it for those that came in the store and will pay the extra to do it themselves (you can't sell everyone on having it professionally done) and another for contractors to hand out but without the sunbrite name on it anywhere.

It is kind of defeating the purpose of the contractor out there spending money for the brochures, spending his time with the customer trying to sell the job and handing them a brochure with the supplier's name on it so if they wanted to they could buy it from the supplier. I would not have the sunbrite name there at all because we all know that you can sell them an idea but a lot of people will want to do the job by themself if they can buy the products, even at higher cost to save in the end with the labor.

This can be debated forever between the supplier and contractor but in the contractor's eyes we would not want a supplier's name on them for our peace of mind, I am sure that Sunbrite can understand.

Helping Sunbrite and other suppliers out there see it from our eyes, what if Spraymart, Chappell Supply or the other big suppliers out there that a lot of distributor's buy from and have products drop-shipped from were to send out a catalog with the distributor's logo and info but somewhere on the catalog had the Spraymart, Chappell Supply or other company out there phone number and website listed on the catalog also? Don't you think that a lot of contractors would call that number or visit that website? Even if it cost a little bit more but at the end of the order saved money don't you think it is a bad idea to have that info on the catalog?

I am not trying to bash anyone, just giving my opinion. The supplier's info is not a secret, a lot of us get industry publications with their info all the time but a lot of us still order from the distributors for the great customer service and support and for all they do with the Round Tables and everything else.

Just my opinion, not the opinion of PWI or NCE.
I actually called RS a few months back and told them that I wanted to start using their product and they sent me brochures, sample bottles, and sample color boards for free. I believe in purchasing from our vendors, but when it comes to brochures and informative pieces, why not go directly to the source?

You guys are talking about that?

Every product brouchure has the name of dist. Always....even when your paying for them.

Sunbrite Supplys sells ready seal to Contractors.

Home owner that will bypass you will do it reguardless of the logo. Do a a google Search ready seal?

If I made a brochure from my company and sold it to anyone I would have the logo in the brochure.

If you guys dont like the brochure simply make one yourself and dont include it.

Maybe Sunbrite might rethink the Brochure, i how ever if I was printing & designing them i would print my name on them Also.

remember you can make them without the name yourself.

I'm not sure what the big deal is on this one. Just a tool provided for additional help, I often think it provide the home owner with Extra security that the products reputable.

I see alot of times companys put there own stickers over them. anyone ever thought of that?
If you guys dont like the brochure simply make one yourself and dont include it

We already have one, and give it to all residential customers. I wanted a brochure to tout the benefits of RS, so I could save the space on my own brochure for something else. I don't like to promote a product on my own brochure if possible, but since RS is the main stain we use, I felt it was necessary. I was hoping that the brochure was a generic info source for a product we like, and use. Won't be ordering anymore of those.....

You guys are talking about that?

Every product brouchure has the name of dist. Always....even when your paying for them.

Sunbrite Supplys sells ready seal to Contractors.

Home owner that will bypass you will do it reguardless of the logo. Do a a google Search ready seal?

If I made a brochure from my company and sold it to anyone I would have the logo in the brochure.

If you guys dont like the brochure simply make one yourself and dont include it.

Maybe Sunbrite might rethink the Brochure, i how ever if I was printing & designing them i would print my name on them Also.

remember you can make them without the name yourself.

I'm not sure what the big deal is on this one. Just a tool provided for additional help, I often think it provide the home owner with Extra security that the products reputable.

I see alot of times companys put there own stickers over them. anyone ever thought of that?

On this one you are dead wrong!

1st, if I am buying this brochure, and I did, I want it done for my benefit, my way! Put the distributors name on only if it is free.
Every brochure does not have the distributor's name in it. I manufactured aftermarket parts for the motorsports industry and sold to distributors that then sold to dealers (like us contractors). I supplied brochures for those dealers to give to there customers. I would never note on the brochures who the dealer's supplier was. The dealers would have dropped me immediately.

2nd, if Sunbrite only sells to contractors then they do not want to waste time talking to my customers....that is my job and a big part of my business model. I want the customer or potential customer to call me for everything that comes to their mind. I want them to trust me to take care of them even if it is something I do not currently provide a service for. I want them to think I am a trustworthy problem solver who will take care of their best interests and steer them straight.

3rd, as for not using the brochure, I bought them to use them so I would not have to take time for laying one out, and yes I will put a heavy, blank sticker there and then stamp my company info in that area and on the back.

4th, the customer can get a warm fuzzy by going to the manufacturer's web site...not the distributor's.

Lastly, I do not really worry about potential customer's bypassing me and doing it themselves. As a matter of fact. I will tell them how to do it knowing that the chance of them getting it to look good AND last more than 18 months is nil. I go out of my way to train every wood deck owner I meet on the does and don'ts of restoring decks to try to keep them from doing something that will prevent them from being a customer in the future...after they see how hard this work is! Things like painting their deck or using stains that are difficult to restore like solid colors or opaques.

If there is a better way, I am all ears.
I see the brochures have been edited, maybe I can trade mine in?
I have lot of product brochures, many of them I simply put my sticker over the Top of rep's.

I even have catalogs from Dist that the same thing is done.

I'm not sure its a wrong or right versus a simple choice.

Choose to use or not????????

I drink Pepsi, you may like COKE
I have lot of product brochures, many of them I simply put my sticker over the Top of rep's.

I even have catalogs from Dist that the same thing is done.

I'm not sure its a wrong or right versus a simple choice.

Choose to use or not????????

I drink Pepsi, you may like COKE

Dr. Pepper works for me! Lol!