New Online Pressure Cleaning Publication

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

Its a Publication By Allison Hester writer Cleanertimes.

Steven Stephens is also selling a Marketing Book, he has a great story of over coming a near fatal accident.

Please feel free to comment here, before you do make sure you read Stevens Store.
Just purchased his book. Looks to be an interesting read to say the least. IMO reading any info you can can stimulate the mind in new marketing technics and strategies. Whether its the BBS' or roundtables or books like this.

Have you read this yet Ron?
Just purchased his book. Looks to be an interesting read to say the least. IMO reading any info you can can stimulate the mind in new marketing technics and strategies. Whether its the BBS' or roundtables or books like this.

Have you read this yet Ron?

I wish they had and audio version, I will order it and check it out. I like listening to my Iphone while driving. I dont get much down time to read books.
Sorry, David, that will not get you in the Ipad drawing.
I wish they had and audio version, I will order it and check it out. I like listening to my Iphone while driving. I dont get much down time to read books.

Ron Buy the book for me I will call you ever night read you chapter before bed time how does that sound for you.:jester:
I bought the book and I also signed up for his online magazine. I should be getting the book in the mail in a few days. like Ron I wished it came in a CD version because books aren't my favorite some can tell:lazy:
We're working on an audio book. Should be out soon. (I'll tell Steve to hurry up!)

The online magazine is (hopefully) coming out in December. I'll keep you posted on that.

Finally, Steve's story (which I wrote) can be found on the Cleaner Times website ( by typing "Steve Stephens" in the search field. It's entitled "It happened one Christmas."
Hey Bryan,

You know, it seems like it always takes longer to START a project than anticipated. Lots of little details to straigten out and we've lost some days due to illness/weather.

That said, we are really, really close. I expect to have it out next week. I've GOT to have it out the door before my husband returns from Afghanistan in a couple of weeks!

(And your article is laid out and looks GREAT!)

I will post when it's ready.
Should be a new issue coming out any day, Ron. I know several people who contributed to it, including me.
Is this Dead Allison ?

Talked to her via FB this morning. Next issue due this week. She has been very sick and her Husband Mike has been out of town for month. From my understanding from the last publication she now has someone partnering with her that should keep it alive. Can;t remember the guy;s name, but I think he is a PWNA or former PWNA guy.