New Contest Give Away

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Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
New Contest Give Away,,voting on winner


The Bulletin Board is currently looking for a name. So here’s a little contest to pool those creative minds. A color pocket TV will be given to the person who comes up with the name we decide to use for The Bulletin Board. Contest rules are as follows:

Submit as many entries as you like until October 31, 2001.

We will determine the winner.

If we do not find the perfect name for the board in the entries, we will select the five best and let the members’ vote for their favorite to determine the winner of the color pocket TV..

The Bulletin Board and Pro Power Wash are separate entities. Do not incorporate the company’s name in the name you would like to enter for the bulletin board.

Rules of this contest may change at any time and without notice as deemed necessary by The Bulletin Board and/or it’s representatives.

Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting

Please read carefully,,,,

Its simple cast one vote for the person you think made the best name for the BB. Vote by simple replying here in this thread and typing the person names or handle in the post. If you type more than one name the vote will not be counted. The person with the most votes wins the color TV.

VOTING ENDS 11/08/01


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(1)stainless steel hose reel.

(2) 16ft. trailer.

(3) set of tires.

(4) 100ft. 5000psi hose.

(5) hand full S.S Q.C.

(6) flo-jet

(7) cat pump

(8) 100# powered soap.

(9) 5 gal. wax.

(10) Drum mix kit (soap)

hmmmmmmmm bag of o-rings,maybe.

Its harder to think what to give as its easy to give away nomatter what it is.


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<TABLE BORDER=1 width 100%>
<TR><TD ROWSPAN=2><font size="10"face="arail"color=blue><b>Professional PowerWashing Adventures</b></f><TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>The Place For The Professionals</b></f></TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>Professionalizm In all PowerWashing Feilds</b></f></TD>
<TD><font size"5"color=blue><b>The Place To Learn The Powerwash Dance</b></f><TD></TR>
<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><font size="5"color=blue><b>Come On In And Dry Your Feet And Meet The Crew</b></f></TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>We Don't Care What It Is We Can Clean IT</b></f></TD></TR></table>
<TABLE BORDER=1 width 100%>
<TR><TD ROWSPAN=2><font size="10"face="arail"color=blue><b>Professional PowerWashing Adventures</b></f><TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>The Place For The Professionals</b></f></TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>Professionalizm In all PowerWashing Feilds</b></f></TD>
<TD><font size"5"color=blue><b>The Place To Learn The Powerwash Dance</b></f></TD></TR>
<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><font size="5"color=blue><b>Come On In And Dry Your Feet And Meet The Crew</b></f></TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>We Don't Care What It Is We Can Clean IT</b></f></TD></TR></table>
<TABLE BORDER=1 width 100%>
<TR><TD ROWSPAN=2><font size="10"face="arail"color=blue><b>Professional PowerWashing Adventures</b></f><TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>The Place For The Professionals</b></f></TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>Professionalizm In all PowerWashing Feilds</b></f></TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>The Place To Learn The Powerwash Dance</b></f></TD></TR>
<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><font size="5"color=blue><b>Come On In And Dry Your Feet And Meet The Crew</b></f></TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>We Don't Care What It Is We Can Clean IT</b></f></TD></TR></table>
<TABLE BORDER=1 width 100%>
<TR><TD ROWSPAN=2><font size="10"face="arail"color=blue><b>Professional PowerWashing Adventures</b></f><TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>The Place For The Professionals</b></f></TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>Professionalizm In all PowerWashing Feilds</b></f></TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>The Place To Learn The Powerwash Dance</b></f></TD></TR>
<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><font size="5"color=blue><b>Come On In And Dry Your Feet And Meet The Crew</b></f></TD>
<TD><font size="5"color=blue><b>We Don't Care What It Is We Can Clean IT</b></f></TD></TR></table>


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I know another board uses the word "network" and of course it's similar to "PWNA", but let's face it, we're sort of limited on words to use without taking what other are using.


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I want to know where Bigboy got the picture of me. He must be the guy that hangs outside of my beautician. I need a full time one you know.

<DIV STYLE="filter:Shadow(color=red,direction=35);width:540;color:red"><font size="7"face="arail"color=green><b>Nicole's powerwash Classic bbs</b></f></DIV>
<DIV STYLE="filter:Shadow(color=red,direction=25);width:540;color=red"><font size="7"face="arail"color=blue><b>Ron's Pressurewashing bbs</b></f></DIV>
<DIV STYLE="filter:Shadow(color=red,direction=35);width:540;color=red"><font size="7"face="arail"color=black><b>Classic Powerwash Network</b></f></DIV>
hehe,yel,I like yours too Les.

No NO Scott,I want to see a picture of you before I let you have your picture back.
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Who let Scott out last night?

Ron you were responsible for keeping him in his cage once the sun goes down, no look what you done:)

I should have blocked Les, dat guy is just go good with things and I know personally how good he is too!

Me, just not a very creative person when it comes to things like what Bigboy is doing with color and letters etc.

Ok I concede to Les at this time, but Bigboy is on his tail!
<DIV STYLE="filter:GLOW(color=yellow,strenght=3);width:540"><b><font size="7"face="arail"color=red>Powerwashs Want A Bee's</b></f></DIV>
<DIV STYLE="filter:GLOW(color=#6495ed,strenght=6);width:540";><font size="7"face="arail"color="ff0000"><b>Magic Wand Powerwash</b></f></DIV>
<DIV STYLE="filter:Shadow(color=8b008b,direction=35);width:540;color:000000"><font size="7"face="arail"color=#ff0000"><b>Wash With the Professionals</b></f></DIV>
<DIV STYLE="filter:shadow(color=red,direction=25);width:540;color:red"><font size="7"face="arail"color=black><b>USA Power washers</b></f></DIV>

Scott and Ron we're still waiting to see ya'lls picture,you too Les.
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Will Heck fire I thought last night was the deadline until I went back and read the rules.
Hey Les me going outside and getting a chew tobacco and do some thinking while I spit on a few grasshoppers,hmmmmmm you couldn't sale it to me for 10 dallors would ya.
Hey bigboy, careful spittin on them grasshoppers. Some of em spit back! Seeing how everybodys flying flags, maybe we should fly one too. here it is.


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Will I see I didn't get a big enuff chew of tobacco but got the rig tuned up and yard mowed.Guess I'll have to go fishing tomorrow or up the price to 15 dallors or find my REBAL flag.
Deer season opened here today and my son got one but he doesn't know I know.The check statoin called me thinking it was me that got one and wanted to know my brith date,seens if they had forgot to get it.
<center><BODY BACKGROUND="stars.gif" BGCOLOR="#000000"><DIV STYLE="filter:GLOW(color=red,strenght=3);width:540"><font size="6"face="arail"color=blue><b>USA POWERWASHERS NETWORK</center></b></f></DIV>
<center><font size="4"color=red><b>Home Of The Brave and Clean,,USAPN</center></b></f>
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