new business

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    Votes: 11 55.0%
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    Votes: 9 45.0%

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New member
I am a newibe to this board, i have read just about evry post in the hood cleaning section.
I am thinking about getting started in the business.
From what I have read there are alot of you that have been in the business a while and are very knowledgeable about it.
I've got a few questions.
#1: I live in a town of about 10,000 and boarded by 3 towns that are 50,000 plus( alot of restraunts) what percentage of this business would be realistic?
#2:How much do you guys actually gross a year? Is the average job about 200$?
#3 Can this be done as a one man operation? Thats the main goal I have is to be indepent and not reley on workers. I've had other business and workers were a problem everywhere.\
Thanks ahead for your time and any help or suggestions are welcomed.
There is no way for me to answer those questions. I don't know the market you are in, I don't know your competition or their reputation. As for working it by yourself, I would not recommend that, you are often going to be on a roof late at night and accidents do happen, there are other reason not to work alone but that is the main one.
I don't think you should base your decision to start a business on other people's opinions. You need to research the competition, run the numbers and most importantly, analyze your own desire to make it happen.

Your determination and commitment will be the factors that matter most in whether you sink or swim in your endevour.

I don't think you should base your decision to start a business on other people's opinions. You need to research the competition, run the numbers and most importantly, analyze your own desire to make it happen.

Your determination and commitment will be the factors that matter most in whether you sink or swim in your endevour.
WOW ... $200 a job HUH!! I would go broke... I spend $400 a week in chemical , Fuel , Plastic, Diesel, Wear and Tear... I dont roll for less than $300.00.. Unless its a Multi Corp Job.. Keep the prices up and dont lowball... This is a law mandatory business ( Hood Cleaning ) .. Wait until you pay your insurance every year also.. ( Get and keep your customers by Quality Service ) They will spread the word.. I have been doing this type of work since 1989 ... ( Believe me you will get repeat business and word of mouth business if you do quality work.. )
A one man operation is kinda difficult when starting. You need to go get the work during the day and actually do the work at night. Pircing is difficult but one way to do it is look at a fairly basic job, say 6 filters one story building or fan on the side. One man doing the job, say....3 hours. What do you want or need per hour? $125.00 per hour? I agree with kmj completely about the negative side of a one man job. You fall, get hurt or robbed and there is no one there to help you. An employee is good, partners in my opinion , suck.
Regarding Business, post cards to businesses right near you and work your way out. Keep the jobs small till you gget used to the work, Contact, bars that cook, nursing home maintenance and dietary people,American legions, schools, colleges, golf courses, corporations that have cafeterias, and of course restaurants. The post cards falmost orce them to look at your info. Sometimes the cards stay on their desk. Flyers go in the trash too fast.

Good Luck

P.S. One man jobs, you better damn well know where the water is going when you are spraying. Look under appliances and behind them for holes where old pipes once were. Water running down into a cellar is often an issue. If the water gets away and many times it does. The drape falls, or a pocket of water escapes. Plan for the worst be happy when all goes as planned.