Needing Writers -- and I need them soon!

Allison Hester

New member
I have some articles lined up for the first issue of Pressure Cleaning Contractor (yes, we've changed the name) and I have several people who've indicated they would be interested in writing.

However, if you are interested in writing for our new online magazine, please let me know. You can post here, email me or sign up on our website.

AND if you're interested/able to get me something by the 22nd of this month, let me know. We may be able to get you in the premiere issue.

As for topics, please feel free to pass ideas along to me. I want people to write about what they know and what they are passionate about. I prefer not to assign specific articles unless that's what you prefer. If it's something you're interested in writng about, then it's more likely something we're interested in reading about.

Thanks guys!:wave3:
Sounds like a great idea!

I would like to contribute.
I would be interested in writing an article and being listed in the magazine. Did you say in a previous thread that you will help rewrite the article to make it more interesting? I don't feel that I am a very good writer that would be able to hold peoples interest. If you would be willing to help out with that I will try to get something going. You can learn about my company from our website if there is anything that grabs your attention please let me know. Thanks and I appreciate the opportunity.
That would no doubt be an editors nightmare.
That would no doubt be an editors nightmare.

Let's persuade him to do it!
C'mon guys really, is he really that bad?

Ok he is, but his heart is in the right place :rolleyes:

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Chris, Great! I'll email you tonight.
Matthew, yes, I will edit. No worries. And I'll look at your site tonight.
I don't know who Marko is, but bring it on! Sounds like a fun exercise. We could print a before and after version of the article. Maybe I could sell some writing services that way.
That would no doubt be an editors nightmare.

So True! Ask Alexy. He has a few hours doing just that.

Wheres Marko?

Spilled my coffee when I read that one!

Let's persuade him to do it!
C'mon guys really, is he really that bad?
Ok he is, but his heart is in the right place :rolleyes:

He has to get UN BANNED first. What are the odds of that? What is it? 4 - 5 boards now.


I don't know who Marko is, but bring it on! Sounds like a fun exercise. We could print a before and after version of the article. Maybe I could sell some writing services that way.

Go to The Grime Scene and do a search of his threads. Yes, his heart is in the right place as far as KEC is concerned. But he will probably argue with you (the editor) on how to edit his masterful article.

I will assist, here is a link to the grime.

Good luck in your endeavors

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Your representation of Marko is incorrect, there is no misspelling in your ummmm run on sentence.
are you covering any wood articles? I have an article you are more than welcome to.
Let me know and I will send you the link from PWC magazine.
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!