Something else to consider, you will be judged somewhat by your card, sounds harsh but it is true.
If you have a card that looks homemade, looks like you did it yourself or it is hard to read or cheesy, that will not give you the boost of confidence in their eyes unless they have seen your work and then it will not matter that much.
If you are hell-bent on designing one yourself, keep it white with your info on black letters but have a printer print them, those perforated sides really suck and reek "Lowballer" or worse, "Cheapskate".
Several people now have told you basically the same thing now so it is not just me an one other person's opinion, more like the truth.
If you insist on making something yourself instead of having it professionally done, that is up to you but remember, in your customer's eyes or potential customer's eyes you are sending out a message that you probably don't even realize.
Here is another way to put it, Would you primer your car and then paint it with spray cans from Wal-Mart or worse, with a roller or brush?????
That is kind of like the message you are sending out with cards that suck!
Just my opinion, and now the opinion of others too.
Good luck.
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