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Here's a tribute to the new leadership that takes an entire thread and moves it just to keep covering things up till they can take the time to deal with it.

So WHAT IF things are hot in the kitchen!!!! This was an opportunity to show some leadership and simply do the right thing. Mistakes are part of who you are. Mistakes build character. Mistakes allow the cream to rise to the top. Mistakes expose the worst and make a path for the best. Lord knows I've made a lot of mistakes (you guys probably know most of them by now) but dealing with them (and the aftermath of destruction they sometimes cause) is part of accepting responsibility and forging on and being productive.

Hiding mistakes, especially after seeing the damage that playing everything behind the scenes has done in the past is just plain poor judgement.

They already posted that they were going to get together on Monday. William agreed to lay off. I wasn't offering any irritation on the matter, all the questions were coming from their own membership. It would have been prudent to simply move any mistakes that break the rules of the forum but to move the entire thread is simply more of the same.

Sorry Trevor and I'm sorry to both Mikes too. I know you guys are trying but talking about change and making change are two different things.

Good Lord!

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss........

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What would happen when it gets him permantly banned?

I'm sure his IP is permanently blocked if he was using someone else's login.
Their's is, too.
It looked like last night they were going to need to buy at least 10 bus's
because they were throwing everyone under them..

today all is well...

I just cant keep from wondering if they hadnt dumped the one guy that was bringing in all of the new memberships if this would have turned out differently........
They will claim it was done to protect GH's name from search engines.

As of last night those 13 or so pages had not been crawled by yahoo or google.It wasn however interesting to find out that there was a huge membership drive planned to cover the $5k debt.
Some of the facts that came out in that thread were indeed enlightening.Such as there wasn't enough $$$ to pay for everything at the convention,but they went foward with it as if they had a bottomless checkbook instead of trying to cut costs at every turn to not end up in the hole.
Or the fact that everyone was told that all convention costs were covered when it's now clearly apparent they weren't.
Also interesting was the fact that 10-20 members have stopped making their monthly payments since the convention.
They will claim it was done to protect GH's name from search engines.

As of last night those 13 or so pages had not been crawled by yahoo or google.It wasn however interesting to find out that there was a huge membership drive planned to cover the $5k debt.
Some of the facts that came out in that thread were indeed enlightening.Such as there wasn't enough $$$ to pay for everything at the convention,but they went foward with it as if they had a bottomless checkbook instead of trying to cut costs at every turn to not end up in the hole.
Or the fact that everyone was told that all convention costs were covered when it's now clearly apparent they weren't.
Also interesting was the fact that 10-20 members have stopped making their monthly payments since the convention.

The web crawling could have easily been fixed with a few well spaced ****.

Maybe closing the thread was just a gut reaction to try to buy some time while something gets done next week.

Whoever closed it needs to know that closing it looks like the same ol' same ol'.

If only the BOD could see what it looks like from the outside in, a lot of things would have been done differently.
The thread was closed because it had reached a point of where it was not going anywhere. Nothing was hidden by the current BOD all the facts were laid out there for everyone to see. We are meeting on this at the first of the week to sort it all out.
I think many people would dissagree with you Mike, the truth about the mismanagement of the Org by the previous head or heads was just starting to come out. Personally, I was quite interested in what Jeff L had to say. I wanted to know if anyone other than Carlos was aware of what was going on.

I'm almost sad I gave up my membership now.
You know I would like to know why in the world someone would think they could have this full blown out convention in the first place. This org. is brand new. I think I seen where it said thee marriott was paid 20000 plus....For what and why? Did the meeting rooms, coffee, and other media things cost that much? Why in the world would you wanna have this kinda show. I bet if the hampton inn knew you were bringing in 100-200 people the meeting rooms and stuff would be discounted or thrown in. The economy sucks....if you can't get something for free or for a great discount now you really aren't much of a salesperson....or the the hotels sales person is alot better. This is not the field of dreams...IF YOU BUILD IT THEY WILL COME.
That's Like me being new and buying 5 new one tons and hot rigs. Then sending out a nice marketing campaign to hope I can get the work. patent!!! It will happen just not overnight. Run this as if it was your own business not dream.

I liked seeing the new board being so open. That makes me wanna join. Closing the thread to non members is making me climb the fence again. Some even want the orgs bbs to go away. Great idea....:bash: I guess that would help its membership drive for guys that really don't know whats going on.(People that don't visit online bbs's) Us guys that do will always be wondering. Here's a idea...if you don;'t want google to crawl it make it where non members can sign into a area for threads that need to be talked about. It doesn't need to be in the members areas.....
not paying someone is bad.......
Being open about it is great.....
shutting off future members is bad.....
I also seen where someone sad something about non members and their opinions....Get over it...We will always have one. If you wanna grow who do you think is going to join members or non members....O that's right members are already members...Non members !!!! And Non members opinion counts.
I think that there are a few folks who are still trying to sift through the rubble and need some time to do so. Is it really really necessary to drag up all of past bad behavior with a new BOD that is trying to right the wrongs? I'm certainly NOT endorsing closing off the information but I AM in support of giving the volunteer BOD a reasonable amount of time to try to fix the mess as opposed to expecting them to have every answer to every question available. I personally am glad for the fact that they don't have instant answers - that would look like they had prior knowledge!
I think that there are a few folks who are still trying to sift through the rubble and need some time to do so. Is it really really necessary to drag up all of past bad behavior with a new BOD that is trying to right the wrongs? I'm certainly NOT endorsing closing off the information but I AM in support of giving the volunteer BOD a reasonable amount of time to try to fix the mess as opposed to expecting them to have every answer to every question available. I personally am glad for the fact that they don't have instant answers - that would look like they had prior knowledge!

thanks Celeste!
Mike- Who closed the thread?

Celeste- the new BOD has a free pass if they choose to use it. Lay out everything that was mishandled and all the lies that were told. Execute the guilty parties and start fresh with a clean slate. It's a golden opportunity and really their only chance to make it.
I understand that and I am the first to say that "the truth shall set you free" (unless of course, it incriminates you) but if the BOD was truly in the dark as they say they are - it TAKES TIME to get all facts and figure out a decent way (not that straightforward isn't decent) to put it out there. We all need to remember that Google never forgets and Forbes will find your ass on a BBS :)
I agree with everything you said, Celeste.
We'll see what happens Monday. It's make or break time.
Mike- Who closed the thread?

Celeste- the new BOD has a free pass if they choose to use it. Lay out everything that was mishandled and all the lies that were told. Execute the guilty parties and start fresh with a clean slate. It's a golden opportunity and really their only chance to make it.

Mike Tessaro closed it down and I support his decision!
Thad, The thread got moved to the member section. I dont know who moved it. But is was turning into a fiasco so Im glad it was moved. It continued on in the member section with finger pointing, blaming, not takiing responsibility, what if, should have done, I told you so, lets get a rope, lets get some popcorn. It was getting ugly, and I just got up and logged in and it was getting stupid. So I exercised some moderator privileges and closed it out.

All of the new BOD members have full time businesses to take care of. We are volunteers. We do what we can with the time we have. Sometimes it cuts into our personal life and business life. The UAMCC is not our life, but we are committed to make it succeed. We will update our members as we go along.

Man do I need some fishing time.
I just wondered if any of the guilty parties moved it, Mike.
Have a good time!