Need Articles and Ideas

Allison Hester

New member
After a great response to our first issue, it's time to start work on the April issue of Pressure Cleaning Contractor magazine. I'm looking for article ideas, writers and photos. I also particularly need someone to write the "My Story" column for this issue. (Bryan Henson did a great job last issue! Be sure to take a look at his article to get an idea of how to do it.)

If you haven't seen the magazine, check out our free premiere issue at

You can post your ideas/interest here, or email me at

How about a article on where they all went..

I've clicked on older posts all the way back to 2001 and a lot of websites/companies are now gone......

What ever happened to...would be a interesting article
How about a article on where they all went..

I've clicked on older posts all the way back to 2001 and a lot of websites/companies are now gone......

What ever happened to...would be a interesting article

Really? Who CARES! They washed away with the dirty water... the "magazine" is not only for people on this board, most people would have no clue and would care even less than me about why some guy went out of business 8 years ago.

Survival of the Fittest - that is what an article should be about. Companies that have stayed around, have grown, have overcome obstacles. What has made them successful. Why have they been able to outlast others in the industry. What have they done differntly.

Focus on winners ....not losers.
I agree with you. I would love to talk about the future and not the past. Unless it affected our businesses of course. There are some people though that have gotten out of the business for other reasons and were not losers. But to try to get them to write about what happened so it wouldnt happen to you or I would almost be too difficult and not worth the time....IMO
Who cares ? I do maybe others as well. (by the way.The Top poster on pwi is always asking if anyone hears from some of the old companies/people)

Why someone stops pressure washing is important.

I can think of few reasons why;

1.Maybe they got Injured...Not a day goes by I don't think about about the 3 different guys/companies I read about that fell of ladders..For me I dont climb a ladder without thinking about them and now I am extra careful.

2.Maybe some got out because of enforcement on water discharge....either they were fined or were afraid and didnt want the hassel or expense..

3.maybe they got better jobs

4. Maybe they realized the cleaning was the easiest part of pressure washing ...and the hardest part is the constant selling to get more business and advertising and marketing.

5. Maybe they realized they coulnt make what they used to and cant feed their family on today prices.

A lot of maybe's ...but I would'nt call any of them Losers

edit:Allison asked for some ideas for articles it just one idea. My post isnt meant to be "the argument of the day"
Just because the top poster does something doesn't mean squat or have any relevance, especially asking where someone is.

I still think focusing on the WINNERS in the industry is a good the top poster you speak of. Everyone can learn something from him and there are many others like him out there.

I personally see no benefit in hearing why someone left or went out of business. That is just me.

Loser may have sounded harsh and forgive me if I hurt someones feelings, not everyone who is not around failed, I will agree with that.

The opposite of Winner is Loser, Success is Failure, Up is Down. Have we gotten so politically correct that we have to sugar coar everything.
Just because the top poster does something doesn't mean squat or have any relevance, especially asking where someone is.

I still think focusing on the WINNERS in the industry is a good the top poster you speak of. Everyone can learn something from him and there are many others like him out there.

I personally see no benefit in hearing why someone left or went out of business. That is just me.

Loser may have sounded harsh and forgive me if I hurt someones feelings, not everyone who is not around failed, I will agree with that.

The opposite of Winner is Loser, Success is Failure, Up is Down. Have we gotten so politically correct that we have to sugar coar everything.

I like you Mike, your one of the good guys ...I understand your opinion
Mike, I believe Allison asked for the opinion and for topics from everyone here. Dave has a valid idea and if you don't like it take your fingers off the keyboard. Why don't you be the "Dean of Clean" and teach something. Instead of tearing down the views and opinions of others, put somethings of value here on PWI. After all you are the Dean teach us what you have done that has made where you are in this business. In a different thread tell us BOTH the Wining decisions you have made and the Loser ones. Help us avoid the pitfalls. God it feels good to be back!
I would like to hear more about the Out Of The Box type of cleaning thats out there. Things that we dont even think about going after but is marketable? When I first got into this industry 18 yr's ago I knew of a guy that Low Pressure Washed Pigs before they go to slaughter, now I thought that was odd as hell.

There are plenty of areas in this industry that have not been tapped into yet, and maybe together we can find those areas and make them a viable asset to our industry? We concentrate alot on the same things and we have so many contractors going after the same old accounts. Maybe grow into another direction having a grasp on something new to share besides the same old same old? OK I am going out to wash some cow's now !!
This Is a BBS where everyone has the right to post their opinions. There are a few "clicks" on here so it can be hard for the hundreds of people who lurk on this site to feel like they will be welcomed and not chastised. I have said it before and I will say it till the day I die. "you never know the who, what, where, when or why's of someone Else's life." It may not be important to you but it is to someone else. I will give you an example I heard a radio DJ reading a news story about a child that was 12 years old taking a city bus somewhere. The DJ freaked out and said what kind of a stupid parent would let a kid go on a city bus. In the DJs world that would never happen. Yet everyday in big cities kids take city busses to school. The story happened to be out of Detroit where this is a way of life for some but the DJ here in Florida would not understand. So the moral is be respectful because you never know what someone Else's situation is!
Mike, I believe Allison asked for the opinion and for topics from everyone here. Dave has a valid idea and if you don't like it take your fingers off the keyboard. Why don't you be the "Dean of Clean" and teach something. Instead of tearing down the views and opinions of others, put somethings of value here on PWI. After all you are the Dean teach us what you have done that has made where you are in this business. In a different thread tell us BOTH the Wining decisions you have made and the Loser ones. Help us avoid the pitfalls. God it feels good to be back!

Exactly what I offered in my first post Kory, remember:

Survival of the Fittest - that is what an article should be about. Companies that have stayed around, have grown, have overcome obstacles. What has made them successful. Why have they been able to outlast others in the industry. What have they done differntly.

Like you said Kory....everyone is entitled to their opinion and how they express it.

As far as helping out and telling my story, not really to interested in doing that.
Doug, that YOU made or that anyone who wants to participate made?

Anyone that wants to participate. Instead of "biggest maybe the costliest, or both. I was just thinking that if you polled a bunch of contractors, I wonder how many would have made 1,2, or 3 of the same mistakes. May be a great help to some new guy's that are starting out.
Anyone that wants to participate. Instead of "biggest maybe the costliest, or both. I was just thinking that if you polled a bunch of contractors, I wonder how many would have made 1,2, or 3 of the same mistakes. May be a great help to some new guy's that are starting out.

Cool idea. I'll get on it.

Keep the ideas/suggestions coming. We are here to serve you guys.