Need a Roof GURU- Email

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Mr. Musgraves,

I have been reading many of the roof cleaning forums over the past several
months. I quickly realized that you are one of if not THE authority when it
comes to roof cleaning. I am in Charleston SC and am in need of some info if
possible. I have been cleaning here for almost 4 years and I would like to add
Roof cleaning to my services. I already have everything set up for the service,
(ie chemical pump, tank, hoses, etc). I have experimented with several roofs,
but I would like your opinion on spraying technique.

My mix is a standard 100 gal Apple Sause mix. When I spray the roof, I am not
getting any soapy white water coming out of the hose (my mix looks as if it is
just SH and H2O. Is there something that I can do to get more of the dwell I
need. I am using the correct amount of surfactant.

Also, when spraying a "completely" algae covered roof (dark shingles), how long
after the application should you notice the "original" roof color coming back? I
know that the SH will bleach out the algae and mold. Should it completely
disappear without rinsing?

Do you keep the roof wet with the mix so it doesn't dry out or do you spray and
walk away?

Sorry for the length of the email, but I don't want to start something without
all the info needed to do it right.
Thanks again for you help and I appreciate all the advice you give on the

Richard Odom

I have sent him this link...
Thanks. I will call soon. I don't want to interupt your holiday weekend.
Thanks Ron. I called and talked with Kory today. He was very helpful. I appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks Kory.
Thanks Ron. I called and talked with Kory today. He was very helpful. I appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks Kory.
Kory is GREAT !!
My phone is 813 655 8777 if I can be of any added help.
We welcome the Roof Cleaners over here on the PWI board. Should you need any ideas on equipment, give me a call.


What are you doing up so late???

You should be in bed getting your rest for all those last minute Friday calls that will be coming to place orders. hahahahahahaha
We welcome the Roof Cleaners over here on the PWI board. Should you need any ideas on equipment, give me a call.



Glad to see you posting, that is good.