natural mold & mildew remides

Russ Spence

Commercial Pressure Wash Expert
Q: I am very allergic to mold, and even more sensitive to bleach and other strong cleaning agents. How can I clean up mold safely? - Georgia, AZ

A: Mold can be dangerous to your health, even if you aren’t allergic. It should be eradicated as soon as it appears. Dry out anything that is damp, such as basements (use a dehumidifier) and carpets. Fix leaks in plumbing and roofs. Wipe up spills. Vigilance will pay off! Here are the recipes that I use to kill mold. Note that the smell of tea tree oil is very strong, but it will dissipate in a few days.

Tea Tree Treasure
Nothing natural works for mold and mildew as well as this spray. I’ve used it successfully on a moldy ceiling from a leaking roof, on a musty bureau, a musty rug, and a moldy shower curtain. Tea tree oil is expensive, but a little goes a very long way.
2 teaspoons tea tree oil
2 cups water
Combine in a spray bottle, shake to blend, and spray on problem areas. Do not rinse.
Makes 2 cups
Preparation Time: Under a minute
Shelf Life: Indefinite
Storage: Leave in the spray bottle

Citrus Seed Extract
The advantage of using citrus seed extract instead of tea tree for killing mold is that it is odorless.
20 drops citrus seed extract
2 cups water
Combine in a spray bottle, shake to blend, and spray on problem areas. Do not rinse.
Makes 2 cups
Preparation Time: A minute or so
Shelf Life: Indefinite
Storage: Leave in the spray bottle

Tea tree oil and grapefruit seed extract are available in health food stores.
I am in Georgia and we are having flooding in many of the basements. I have had a couple of calls if we clean out basements. We have a vaccum which fits on our surface cleaner and can be used to pump out basements. My question is what should the homeowner apply to keep the mold from growing after we get the majority of rain water out. this isnt flood water just seepage thru concrete walls. I read you post russ about the tree oils but how will that effect the carpet. Does anyone know of a commerical or home rememdy to kill the mold as the carpet drys. We have had 15 inches or rain in the metro atlanta area in 24 hours.

Thanks for any advice
I would think a man with several sump pumps, squeegees, vacuum systems, and garden hoses could make a large living during that situation.
I am in Georgia and we are having flooding in many of the basements. I have had a couple of calls if we clean out basements. We have a vaccum which fits on our surface cleaner and can be used to pump out basements. My question is what should the homeowner apply to keep the mold from growing after we get the majority of rain water out. this isnt flood water just seepage thru concrete walls. I read you post russ about the tree oils but how will that effect the carpet. Does anyone know of a commerical or home rememdy to kill the mold as the carpet drys. We have had 15 inches or rain in the metro atlanta area in 24 hours.

Thanks for any advice

There are several paint on prodcuts available at the box stores that will seal the block walls from water seepage.All mold and mildew needs top be treated with bleach or a quat before it's applied.
If you have been watching the news, there are numerous companies out of the Houston/Galveston area that did a shoddy job with the cleanup of the water/dirt/mud after the hurricane.

If you want to do that with your own house or friend/family that is ok. Insurance companies will pay good money but if you have the right equipment, they are getting more and more strict so they don't pay out to hacks like they did after the hurricane last year.

There is training to do this properly along with taking humidity/moisture readings and where to get the equipment.

You want to make sure that if you do that, to get all the mold out if it does start to mold and take readings, pictures/video and proper documentation otherwise the insurance claim later on will not be paid and they will come after you, worse if you do not have the training and did the job and received payment.

Just like pressure washing, they want the hacks gone and leave the pro's.
I agree, I am trying to find a product liquid that can be applied to carpet to kill the mold as the carpet dries. I have found several hosptial grade chemicals. Its a lot cheaper to kill the mold now than to rip out carpet and replace the padding and carpet. Most homeowners in GA do not have flood insurance. So they are using carpet cleaning companies to clean the carpet but what gets left behind is bacteria that will cause mold to grow. So if anyone knows of a chemical that will not damage the carpet and padding. It would be greatly appreciated. The carpet cleaning companies are just using normal solutions and stanley steamer said the steam will kill the mold. Yea right. if it were steamed and dried immediately it might but the water is still seeping in most basements . Thanks for your responses.
I agree, I am trying to find a product liquid that can be applied to carpet to kill the mold as the carpet dries. I have found several hosptial grade chemicals. Its a lot cheaper to kill the mold now than to rip out carpet and replace the padding and carpet. Most homeowners in GA do not have flood insurance. So they are using carpet cleaning companies to clean the carpet but what gets left behind is bacteria that will cause mold to grow. So if anyone knows of a chemical that will not damage the carpet and padding. It would be greatly appreciated. The carpet cleaning companies are just using normal solutions and stanley steamer said the steam will kill the mold. Yea right. if it were steamed and dried immediately it might but the water is still seeping in most basements . Thanks for your responses.

Go to your account settings under user CP at the top left of the page. From there you will need to update your signature.
He was told about his signature before. It is a requirement here.

Maybe he wants to just be a little rebel? hahahahaha until he gets kicked out for not following the rules. hahahahaha
I'd like to respond to your comment on tee tree oil.
For one i know it smells good ,but as you know all mold and mildew,germs and bacteria do like to feed on oily sufaces,no matter wat kind.
So for your next mold and mildew battle i'd like to suggest oxione cleaner,no matter where you spray it it kills on contact,so if no rinsing possible leave it,once it dry's no mold and mildew will return,as the surface will maintain a high PH.
Any questions?