My sisters B-day Today

Perhaps this will work.

Ron, You dont have a Sister! If you did she would be involved in some of the threads of this board as a concerned sibling should be.;)
Hey Kingarthur you sound clinicaly depressed... Why don't you sharpen that sword of yours, stick it up against your neck, and lean into it real hard. When it's all over with have Sir Lancelot take a picture of you and send it to us.

Don't ask me why I'm responding to this lamer cause that's exactly what he wants....
:cool: Ok this is Ron's charming older sister.. Yes it was my birthday on tuesday. I was not on line nor home to know of my brother or sister or mothers wishes for me. Seems I was out buying a new took me 3 days to find one and still i dont even know if i like it... lol

Ron said what ya get for your birthday..reply is Toyota 4 runner.. but accually i would of rather had a lincoyn town car...yanno how us old ladys are.. we like comfort . lol.. But since i live on a dirt road and my hubby seems to like trucks or suv's ..I now own a 4 runner...OH WELL huh..

Now i want to thank Ron for advertising my age..I hope to return the favor some day

Anyway yes i am his sister...and yes he is a brat... but that is what happens when ya da
Thank you, Don and Jon for the birthday greetings ..

Grant: i am too busy to get involved with all of what my siblings do, cause i have my own life ... lol

King ya might wish ya could see me nude.... but then who cares ..
Dearest Mudtoe,

I have met your little brat of a brother and his charming wife so I can agree with you on what you had to deal with growing up.

Now about your age, listen up gal, age is but a number, it does not make the person and if you think young, behave young you will always be young.

Oh don't try getting back at little Ronnie as you might embarrasing him here as he might just make some real MUD and drive his white truck over that dirt road to your home and plaster your new SUV with it so you would be forced to hire one of his PWers to clean it.
Happy Birthday, anyone that has put up with Ron all those years must truley be special...
Happy birthday Sis!