My schedule for next week.

Really! They have an operation to change your hair back to its original color?

Ha Ha

Hope all goes well.
KMJT, my orginal hair color, boy blonde and sun bleached.

I love my grayish hair so no problem there.

Ron just a few lumps at this time, what they find when they do the biopsy I am not worried about, I cross that bridge when and if I have to.

Besides it won't keep this good guy down long, trust me.

I know what the Doc says about working for the next two weeks so I kept one week open, the 2nd week I have a few jobs and unless Remy hides both sets of truck keys I plan to work, pain or no pain.


PS: have you figured out this stubborn on B uses his deafness when he has too:)
I did not know that they could remove the knots on your head.
Maybe that will let you be a little more sensible. I do anticipate a sudden increase in Jon traffic on the BBS.

Hope everything goes well. You got some prayers your way.

Thanks Scott.

The knotts are from Remy keeping me in line, not from anything else. OUCH see what I mean, ok so she is not bopping me over the head with that frying pan, OUCH.

Sheesh, just can't win with the woman folks.

As for more traffic, I plan on resting all Friday afternoon once I am home and probably Saturday too.
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This has to be the quickest out patient operation I ever had, after they got me into the op room it went fast, walked in, walked out and was told more then likely nothing but aging fatting lumps.

Still they will do the bioposy to be sure but I will be ready for work in a few days.

Oh yeah Doctor did not pump enough local stuff in to prevent me from feeling the knife cut my arm, nurse saw my face and told doc, he shot the heck out of it then.

Thanks all for caring about me, I shall be around longer now, sorry:D

what what WHAT????

Surgery? Jon, take it easy. Do what the Dr. and Remy tell you. Rest, and eat and drink well. Let your body heal, so you'll be able to get back to it. If you don't it will just take longer to heal!

Behave. Be well.

Beth & Rod
Speedy Recovery Jon

Hi Jon.... Sorry I missed your post the other day. I was not feeling well either after my Biopsy on Tuesday. Still have not heard the results they take forever to let you know. Know you will have a speedy recovery cannot keep a good man down. Anna