My Robin Subaru Motor Leaks


Well I was cleaning my final store on my up north trip and my motor died.. So I thought it ran out of gas , this was not the case... In fact it was the crankcase , the bolts on the crankcase of the motor were loose .. and oil was leaking out all around them so I tightened them up... The motor is under warranty I am thinking about asking for a new motor .. this motor is only like 5 months old.:mad: The motor does still run ...
lol i have a trash pump with a subaru motor...nice and quiet but it has leaked oil from the time it was new.
The warranty will cover the repair of the leak, not replacement of the engine.
I'd trash that SOB and get a Kohler or Honda, well worth the investment.
Kohler maybe , but I am thru with Honda ,, I think the Japs fix them to tear up when you least expect it .. And most Hondas are overpriced and do not rebuild easy... Maybe if I put rice wine in a honda it would last longer.. ( Its still a rice burner. ) I have had 3 Hondas in the past one was a 5.5 hp on a generator ( thru a rod ) 13 hp on a whitco steam cleaner oil shut off didnt work and the oil ran out the crankcase ( Locked Up ) 13 hp honda on a old snapper mower slung a rod out the side , it was 10 minutes old and had oil in it.. ) I wish Ford made small engines I would buy one...
I prefer Kohler. I have not had a mechanical problem with a Honda, but plenty of charging problems. The Briggs have a nasty habit of breaking pistons and cams. I do have to admit though, I had a Briggs one time that snapped the camshaft in half. It kept running, and ran so well that it wore a hole in the back plate of the motor. I thought it was little seal like a freeze plug that was leaking, and did not know until it was torn down that the Cam was broken, both pistons were cracked and broken at the wrist pins, and that it had a spun bearing. Even with all that, it still put out a full 3000 PSI at 5.5 gpm. I still have no clue how it was even running.
HF makes an electric start honda clone 13HP. They had it on sale I picked it up for $299. Ive been using it for about 4-5 months now, no problems. They also make smaller honda clones.
Thing is if the break you can buy honda replacement parts. So its not like you have to contact Hung Chow Woo in Nánchāng china.
I've got a Briggs 10 horse power on a 6k genorator that I've run for years and years. Last house I had (8yrs) use to lose the power at least once a year in ice storms and usally at least a week before it got fixed every time and this genorator ran 24/7 during the outages and has never had anything done but oil changed. But I do have to admit this one is a replacement, the original one purchased ran for 30 seconds and locked up. It did have oil in it too.
I've been scared of those Subaru's, John Deer starting using them though.
Hey Rodger I have one of those HF Clones .. I bought it when my Honda went out on my machine and I was waiting on my robin subaru to come in .. They had it on sale for 199.00.. I also bought the replacement one year warranty for 50.00 extra.. Dang thing is still running after about 6 months.. I have it on my 2 cylinder air compressor in my shop... I was planning on mounting the compressor in my truck for flushing out fire systems when they fire.. I ordered a 13 hp Honda GX390 this morning with elec start and all for 989.00.. I am also waiting till this winter when pump prices go down and I am going to buy a new TS1511 pump.. and a new winco generator.. I am also going to take that peice of junk black handle suttner unloader off my machine and put a real one.. also replacing all whip hoses , swivels on hose reels and such.. I am just getting tired of stuff not working right when I get to a job.. I figure I can pay myself back for all this by doing about 4 jobs.. This will be better than being down all the time.. Only thing is the burner coil in the whitco is 6 years old.. Wonder how long they last or are rated for..
I have tried them all Hondas, Chondas (chinese hondas), Vanguard,Robin Subaru, and I will buy nothing but a Kohler from here on out. Just an opinion, I am sure I will be disagreed with but its OK.
David I agree with you, I have friends with 13hp and 24hp hondas that are bulletproof, then I have other friends with 24hp hondas that threw a rod at 150 hrs on the motor. I personally like Honda motors but I own a 30hp Kohler that is a running mule. Its like ford chevy dodge everyone has an opinion.
Buying more motor than you need and running it below its max is a good plan I think.

Nothing but synthetic oil for me.

A remote oil cooler with a little radiator and 12v fan is great for an air cooled engine - at least it always made me feel like it was a great thing for the engine.