My PWNA post concerning Everett Abrams and Micheal Beaudry

Clean County PW

Active member
My PWNA post concerning Everett Abrams and Micheal Beaudry - Today, 09:53 PM


I have to explain that post and suck up the consequences of my actions for posting it. There is no excuse. This is going to get picked to pieces and I am truly embarrassed to have to explain myself.. But hey when you screw screw up. Before I go any further I would like to apologize to Everett and Mike for this rediculous behavior.

So here is the story-----------------------
I've been prescribed Ambien now going on 4 yrs do to a sleeping disorder that comes from working nights for so many years and in the combination of running a powerwashing business for the last 12. According to my Doctor I will have to stay on Ambien untill I walk a way from doing night tours...Another words untill I retire as a Police officer which should be June/08.

In 4 years I had aprox 4 incidents happen to me including sleepwalking in Disney last year(My wife had to get me at 2am walking around the hotel--of course I have no memory of this).

Apparently last night was now the 5th incident. I was reading the Legacy contract and a few other things on my PC and just trying to formulate in my head on how to get some points across about some PWNA matters. What was going on in my head is how do I bridge the gap of the percieved lack of communication with the PWNA and the internet community. I also know that this is not a huge issue to the PWNA as it is to me.(I also had the bb's on because of course I like to go there).

I hope you guys are following this-- In my frustrations I'm staring and absorbing this contract and banging numbers in my head. I'm also thinking how do I convince Everett the PWNA president to be more open to the internet community and just explain things as they come about so people get the answers that there searching for.....on the net!!

This will be forever a disagreement between him and I and this is where the frustration comes in as it always does. I am a believer in posting the financials etc at the very least on the PWNA site for members to see. Do this and answer a few questions and you can continue onwards with the PWNA goals set forth. I can go on but this is where my mind was at last night. I took the Ambien as 11pm and it was around 1am and I dont recall the rest. Apparently Ron Musgraves was Iming me telling me to to reconsider what I have posted..Spoke to Ron today and I have no recollection of this IM. He swears up and down we chatted last night about this post..I have Zero recollection.

Its kinda like I guess being drunk back in the day when you had to hear about what you said and did and you cant recall.(God I havent done that in years..I need to tie one on..K bad joke).

I don't know what else to say. I screwed up. This makes me look weak and foolish.... and it is and was weak and foolish.

In closing I do wish the PWNA would be more open and I am frustrated by the lack of communication that goes on and in this thought process that is where you see those stupid remarks about a public debate.

I did ask Beth to remove my post and I thanked her for doing it. I asked Ron M to remove my post that was put on PWI and he did...I thanked Ron for that.
I spoke to Jack Kramer today who does his powerwashing school with Matt Johnson for him to ask Matt to remove my post and he said Matt is taking care of it. I wanted to call Matt myself but Jack had to call him anyway.

Don't know what else to say. There is no excuse!! Some will PM me, email me or call me and call me the chicken cluck cluck or whatever.. but like I said when you screwed screwed up.

Thats it...............cya's on the net.
John, I don't know jack about the PWNA, but I think it is a very manly thing to admit when you made a mistake.
God knows we all make them.
My ex girlfriend had Bi Polar Disorder, and was on Seroquel for sleep.
She would do and say CRAZY things on it she was sorry for the next day.
Ambien is a sedative, technically a type of barbiturate.
Like Alcohol, it can cloud your good judgement.
John T, don't worry about it dude, we are one big family out here, screwy, funny, aggravating etc etc

Hey at least it wasnt because you were smoking crack:eek: or taking some Ludes

Just a suggestion. Why don't you just back away from the PWNA for a year or so, you out of anyone has always try to promote it, out here. Just give up for a while and let it run its course without you.

Hillary called and said you were a mad man last bed too

Dont worry about anything you are you and thats a good thing
