My Oldest Daughter is worth it....

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

She is going to a real expensive School, she got accepted. Now we have to come up with some of the fees. Mom wants her to apply for some Scholorships, she complains because she always says we make to much an theres no money out there for her.

She is going if we have to mortgage the house....this School is around 5000 for three credit hours per semester.

Will see what happens, she starts in January 2010...she is already enrolled.

She has been driving me nuts about running my business, her mother an her always on my case about this or that.

I said it will be easy, I can just divert the millions from roundtables to pay her college.

My sixteen year old enrolled at the universtity last month. That was a surprise. He actually left the house, he finished high school online in two years, because of some laws he cant receive his diploma. So he sign up for GED passed an enroll in College at 16 all by himself. Of course Mom had to give him the check for fee's.

My oldest is still messing with PW an landscaping....Waiting for fulltime fireman pay.

I pretty porud to have such great kids, if they would only do there laundry.
That is great Ron, sounds like they know what they want. That is better than trying out things and spending a lot of time and money until they figure out what they want to do with the rest of their lives.
That is great Ron, sounds like they know what they want. That is better than trying out things and spending a lot of time and money until they figure out what they want to do with the rest of their lives.

Dont get that impression, they are not that good. She thinks after a 1/4 million dollar education she going to open a nightclub...LOL

She is nuts, i hope her goals change an she quits telling me how to run my biz. I love her but my post may have seemed to focused.

My 16 year old just wants to play an build games. Oh hes not taking any math or english classes. computers an weight training.....

My oldest has a sleep in problem, he likes mowing when its 112 out. around 10 or 11...his competition is finishing up....LOL
I am kind of in teh same boat, but both of my sons could have been paid to go to college. Books, Tuition, and a stipend. One took the money, and ran. The other had a scholarship that was not quite as large, so he decided he wanted to go to a different school that doesn't really offer scholarships, because they don't have to. Guess who got to pay for that one.
I'm officially up for adoption beginning Tuesday September 8Th at 12:00am. :welcome:
Ron have your oldest look on for a have to pay like 30.00 a year but it will open up to a members only area. This is where a lot of fire depts post jobs. Chances are he might have to relocate. A really great way to get hired is to become a paramedic. If he gets that he will be able to get hired anywhere.....
Ron have your oldest look on for a have to pay like 30.00 a year but it will open up to a members only area. This is where a lot of fire depts post jobs. Chances are he might have to relocate. A really great way to get hired is to become a paramedic. If he gets that he will be able to get hired anywhere.....

Thanks Lou, he has turned down jobs away since his emt. he has been a cadet on gilbert an is convinced he going to get hired on the next round.

Thanks I will pass it on to him.
My daughter did 4 years at Stony Brook University, that cost me $15,000.00 a year back in 2002. Dont even ask what the wedding cost. My son well thats another story, he probably cost me as much and never went to college. When you have kids it never ends, funny thing is, my parents made me work for everything I needed there was NO FREE RIDE.
The one that is getting the. Big scholarship. Is at.Arizona State as. A national merit scholaR. The other one was at BYU and will be returning this summer or next fall. The younger one turned down Cal Tech because they were not offering a stipend.