My new site

Kory, Resize your pictures to the size you want. Your page I think you have the page re-sizing them on the fly.

I think the site looks good. Like David said, the images take a very long time to load and I'm on a very high speed connection. You can resize them in Microsoft Paint, however, there are better programs for this. If you need assistance with it, PM me and I'll lend you a hand. Also, you need to set permissions on your /index_files/ directory. Someone shouldn't be able to just view the directory listing there. This would be an option on the control panel of your hosting company, whomever that may be. That way if you put files there that you aren't publishing, someone can't just view everything. It's not a big deal, but something I would suggest fixing.
The links at the bottom don't work with Firefox, just as an FYI. Other than that, the layout looks nice, clean, and simple to navigate. Nice work!
How do I do that?

width=561 height=96 src=image015.gif v:shapes="_x0000_s1052 _x0000_s1054"

That is part of your code.

the Blue is the part telling the browsers to resize.

There a lot of programs to resize, I use the one MS has.

Some of the other peeps may know better ones
Site looks good. I agree about the slow loading. I am on a T1 and it took several minutes to load the pics. Just one other thing that I noticed. The black lettering on the dark grey background on the left hand side made it a little hard to read. At first I didn't even notice that there were links there. I would consider changing the font color if you can, so the links are more noticable.
You both didn't win by the way!!!
If they are not already so convert them to JPEG files that saves a ton of space and time on download. When I changed mine on my site it cut my mempry usage in half and the download speed as well.