MY bro!!!!!!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

Many of you know that my brother was involved in a car accident back in oct 2007. he remained in acoma for nearly 5 months.

He woke up sortly after my mother passed away, since then he has been making leaps and bounds to recovery. We still are not certain how much of his mental compacity he will regain or if he will walk again.

My brother worked in eviromental field for 22 years before retiring and deciding that he wanted to drive a truck and not deal with EPA or Laws of any kind reguarding this sort of thing.

That lasted about two months and when he found out he got nearly double for hauling hazordous material he began the persuit of figuring how he could get in. Two years later hes hauling all sorts of dagerous cargo.

forutunatly when he crashed he was carry some riduculous amount of elmers glue. Yes it spilled all over the freeway were he turned the truck over.

I wrote this today because i have really never had anyone this close hurt so serious. The small things you loose and take for granite. Expample, I'm on this road trip and my oil pressure drops juts after adding oil. I normally would call my Dad, ( He passed away 1996) I now call my brother. He no longer can answer my questions because he cant talk on the phone. I solved the oil problem it was a stuck gage.

I guess its silly little things in the big scope of things you miss. Death is often a selfish thing. We morn and cry and truly its because we lost those we rely on and love.

I have not lost my brother, I pray he will recover fully by some act of God.

My sister sent him that picture or him and her flying on there first airplane. My sister is 63 and my brother is 60, the age different between us 20 and 18 years. i have another sister thats 49.

I guess i would say, tell those close to you that you love them and spend as much time with them. You never know!!!!!!!!!!
Great post Ron. Will say a prayer for your brother...

My dad and I were never really close. When he was diagnosed with cancer he and I spent the last 5 days of his life just talking. My mother later told me that he said that maybe he had been wrong about me all those years... I guess neither one of us ever really took the time to get to know each other.

In 1998 I lost my mom. One of the last conversations we had was an argument. I never did get the chance to say I was sorry. I only hope that she and my dad can hear me now. I spent almost 2 yrs still wanting to pick up the phone to call her. She was truely the best friend I had as well as my mother. Again Ron, Great post with lots for us to think about and I wish you and your brother all the best! :)
Glad to hear he's doing better Ron. Recovery takes a long time. It's great he has the support of his family. I'm with you. In the end family and friends are all that matter. Take the time to be with them. Don't hold a grudge. You never when it's the last time you will see them.
Thank you Ron for sharing a real part of yourself. I think confessing the soul helps us as people cope with reality and learn lifes lessons.
I can relate on so many levels to what your going through. Both my mother and father went to Heaven within 2 yrs. of each other. They both had cancer.
Coping with these things are a very real part of life. Sharing as you have is a way to invite healing and shows strength in yourself.
You and your brother will be in my prayers.
There is nothing more important than family. My Dad passed about 4 years ago. I still hate the fact that my Dad is no longer with us. I know everyone says he's in a better place. I guess I'm selfish, I think the better place would be right here with me and the rest of my family

Good to see your bro is doing better
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Ron I know how you must feel myself as I lost my wife of 25 years on NOV 6 2006, It surely woke me up. I'm not the same person I was one and a half years ago. I know it has made me re-think about my life and and how short our time is on the earthly plane. We often take things for granted even the smallest things as they become routine, When something like this happens it wakes your soul, I guess thats how or what happened to me. Tragic as it might have been and I still dream and think about her daily, it has made me a much better person from the inside out. We must take things like this and deal with it in a positive way and maybe learn our selfs how to live and love again.

I'm glad you still have your brother and I'm very sorry to hear what happend to him, I hope he gets better and you have him around for a long time. Me and My youngest brother are real close and partners in Business. We have worked together all our lives and still do, BEST FRIENDS yes, I would say Insepertable Best Friends and I would do anything for him and I do mean anything.

Take care Ron and I hope your bother gets back any steps he has lost.

GOD Bless You and Your Brother.

I must admit, tears came to my eyes after reading this post.

Continued strength to all who has lost someone dear, or are suffering.

Life is short and fragile. Peace upon you and yours.

I have realized the past couple of years I can no longer physically perform some of the task of yesteryear. I am 35 and in some part of my mind, "yesterday I should be no different (physically) than today", but the reality is it's gone forever, just but a memory, and my body is not the same today.

After reading this post I left the computer for some time to tell my wife I love her, and we embraced, looked at some pics of the kids, now 8, and 5, wow how time flies.

Blessings to ALL
I hope your brother has a full recovery. I'm glad you shared the story with us we all need to be reminded of what is really important in life from time to time.
I hope your brother has a full recovery. I'm glad you shared the story with us we all need to be reminded of what is really important in life from time to time.

Exactly. I would have posted the same words. You and yours are in the prayers here, Ron.