Moving is going OK But?


Well have you ever started to move and think , How am I going to afford this place..Well Welcome to my nightmare.. We started to move into our new home yesterday ... I think I must have been nuts the day I signed the home papers.. Now Lets See truck note, insurance , business insurance , taxes,gas ,water,fuel, electricity... and the list goes on and on.. Well you guessed it every bill came in at the same time...

My wife was sort of upset when I asked if she coud pay 176.00 for the water deposit,

Well she paid it and thats all I have heard for the past 8 hours...She called her Mom and even told her Mom she had to pay the water bill.. OMG

Then her Mom calls and says "John I cant believe you made Sue pay the water bill, what kind of man makes his wife pay the water deposit and bill".

Now after being married for 13 years I finally see what my dad always said is true..
Well the more I hought about this yesterday the more mad I got , so I called my mother in law and told her that I would be glad to pay their daughter ( my wife ) back for the water bill... My wonderful mother in law says well I think you should.. Sue only makes around $1200 a month and cant afford to be helping you pay the bills...
So it gets better late late late last night my wife wakes up and says I am sorry , dont worry about paying me back... So I went to sleep.. Man I am so ready to get all moved ... and I hope I never have to ask my wife to pay anything ever again ... I would have rather gone to a bank and taken out a high intrest loan to pay the water bill...
So now with the new home and truck and all it looks like I will be working every night and I can stop by on occasion to see how my wife and child are doing and also to make sure all the bills are getting paid...
Congratulations John, sounds like you are living the American Dream!:p
Hey Chris do you ever sleep ?? Just kiddin.. I have been doing so much moving this week I have only done one Job.. I also cant seem to get used to actually sleeping at night... .. Yep The American Dream the only thing thats missing is the white Pickett fence..