More Obamanation!!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
I've been following Alan Keyes for years. For anybody who has ever thought that because I am conservative, then I must be racist, I'm telling you right now:

I would have voted for Alan Keyes over ANY other republican candidate if there was a snowball's chance he could win.

He is intelligent and has strong morals that he will not sway on.

As long as Jesse Jackson and that type are around black people will never come to respect the minds of thinkers like Alan Keyes. And as long as con artists like Obama are around neither will the white people of this country.

Listen to more of his debates.

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I've been a Keys fan for a long time too.

I blame the Republican party for not getting behind him and other conservative blacks with support. There are many more conservative or moderate blacks out there than people realize. They don't make the news because they are busy busting their butts working like we do. They don't play victims marching behind the Rev Jessie and the others that exploit their "people".

We have a local conservative black guy named Marvin Scott that has been defeated a few times as a republican for congress. The state republican party has almost entirely ignored him. I hope they get the idea soon.