Monsoon finally Hit!!!

Nope, this was the craziest dust storm I have ever seen in Phoenix, and I am almost as old as Larry M. I have never seen it higher, wider, and have dust hang in the air for two hours after it stopped. It is terrible. Winds were 70 mph, not quite a hurricane, but fast for here. Hopefully some rain will come to drop the dust down.
I remember those from living there. They are crazy and apparently this one was very intense. We were on our covered patio with from friends from out of state watching one and the BAM lightning hit our neighbors tree. Never watched another one outside.

I would say it got everything Dirty
I like the rain but sure hate the wind and dust. Makes for a huge mess when sweeping the lots... I went out today and it looks like about an 1/8 of an inch of dirt was dumped everywhere. Most customers understand but we have a few that just don't get it...
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I like the rain but sure hate the wind and dust. Makes for a huge mess when sweeping the lots... I went out today and it looks like about an 1/8 of an inch of dirt was dumped everywhere. Most customers understand but we have a few that just don't get it...

There aint no helping stupid.

It was crazy, and I still see residual dust in the air. Very unusual. When I went out this morning, about 3 am, I would see dust clouds led by cars, and 6 lane city streets. Crazy stuff, I have never seen it like this before.