Moderators receiving gifts from the distributors.

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Moderators receiving gifts from the distributors.
When I sent you the gift card that was from me. Lately three distributors that want to buy the bb have contacted me. Actually one was a factory and two where distributors. I turned down their offers.

I will not disclose the information as I was asked not too by all parties. I have built this BBS with no intentions of profiting from its members. I also explained that if they bought the bb it would loose its luster and become what most other BBS have become.

The gift you will receive in the next couple of days are from another person that also wishes at this time to remain anonymous for whatever reasons. If you do not receive a gift and wanted one I need you address. I do not mean to neglect anyone. The personal time of this bb that consumes my day will slow down for me.

I have put in a lot of my time to make this BBS a success to help everyone. I know that I cannot do this without you. I thankyou repeatedly for your help. (Please if you don’t receive your gift please let m have your address) if you have given it to in the past and you still don’t get one I lost it.

Contest: I have made commitments to certain distributors to hold contest in the future. With that said these sponsors would donate prizes to be given away. Russell Cissell from extreme solutions will sponsor our first contest. Its will be called the extreme solutions bidding war. Its simple we will post a job and the person who bids closest to the job will win the prize Russell puts up. The prize in this contest will be a chemical. Mark from easy clean will sponsor the next contest and give water broom away. These contests will be fun and will help maintain some entertainment value on the BBS. Chris Detter also wants to participate in a contest. (sunbrite)

Rules for editing or deleting posts remember the post need to be brought to the moderator’s section and two other mods need to agree. Any foul language can be edited immediately. If you have questions about things please ask your peers in this sections. I have no real say in this matter, moderators run the members section and control those aspects of the bb. I mentioning this again so that those who are new know how the bb is run. I only maintain the functions and the administrative things not the members or the actual charter.

Moderator section, this section is only to be used to handle daily business. Is not a place to talk about members. It’s a business section to discuss problems directly related to the BB. (The open forums are in place for that type of conversation.)

Member ridicule: I will not allow and I hope that you as people would not allow the personal attacks of any member. This is wrong and I will not be affiliated with this. Professionally attack someone is different that claiming false witness. Being attack doesn’t feel good and I don’t want others to feel if they are different and not the main stream that they cannot voice their opinions openly. Remember as moderators we do not need to agree with someone to have them to make their points. all of us will not agree and we will find fault in literally everything that comes from these BBS. is some respects there is really no right or wrong just differences.

Mistakes: I have made many mistakes while being on Delcos. Dan’s BB and Dave’s BB. I probably will make many more. My mind has been made up to go one way and then another. I think we all do this unless our minds are completely closed. Some of you know what I’m talking about others may have not experienced this yet. I believe when running a successful business you need to realize your mistakes and correct them quickly. I think having this gift is what makes me successful. Being honest and open enough with you to say I screwed up. Then being able to swallow your pride and make the steps necessary for change. Many times over the years my views have been changed and I think this education that the BBS give is what make them intriguing to a guy like me that has 18years experience in this business.

Being Number one and not being number 1? Simply need to say this, who wants second place? Is this a contest? Yes. I’m a very competitive person and everything I do I want to be a success. My nature is to take this BBS to the highest level possible. Do I want members to raise with it? Of course I do. It’s about the member and the people who receive help. In order to accomplish this then we would need to take pride in those we assist and those we can help.

Banner & signature Tags: all moderators can have this. I like the idea, if I have put a banner photo of signature tag somewhere you do not want it you have the capabilities to remove them. All member s do not have these capabilities. I prefer all distributors to have them and I’m making it mandatory that they do. These way contractors can see the difference and they can be recognized immediately. This however is and option for you as moderators.

Question about the BBS link on my Home page. “Ron, are you sure you want the BBS link on your home page for customers to find?” My answer would be yes. I’m proud of what we, as members have accomplished. I would never put anything here that would shame anyone or myself.
Ron I hear you, but I want to say being number ONE is not always fun.

A true story about ME when I was in the uniform business.

The companies always had contest, I seldom won first place but could have most times.

My reasons are simply that the person in first place always worked harder to stay there but did not really make that much of any more $$.

My way was to sandbag my sales, since most of us would always ask the others how much you have so far this week and most would tell the truth since it got posted on the contest board I always held back, turned in enought to be very close to the 1st place routesales guy and a few times would pass him up.

But I always LOST first place in the end to him, why work as hard when I could make as much being in second place?

Besides it wes more fun watching him bust his butt trying to stay ahead of me.

Now does that mean I am any less competitive? NAW, just smarter:)
Moderators receiving gifts from the distributors.
When I sent you the gift card that was from me. Lately three distributors that want to buy the bb have contacted me. Actually one was a factory and two where distributors. I turned down their offers.

I will not disclose the information as I was asked not too by all parties. I have built this BBS with no intentions of profiting from its members. I also explained that if they bought the bb it would loose its luster and become what most other BBS have become.

The gift you will receive in the next couple of days are from another person that also wishes at this time to remain anonymous for whatever reasons. If you do not receive a gift and wanted one I need you address. I do not mean to neglect anyone. The personal time of this bb that consumes my day will slow down for me.

I have put in a lot of my time to make this BBS a success to help everyone. I know that I cannot do this without you. I thankyou repeatedly for your help. (Please if you don’t receive your gift please let m have your address) if you have given it to in the past and you still don’t get one I lost it.

Contest: I have made commitments to certain distributors to hold contest in the future. With that said these sponsors would donate prizes to be given away. Russell Cissell from extreme solutions will sponsor our first contest. Its will be called the extreme solutions bidding war. Its simple we will post a job and the person who bids closest to the job will win the prize Russell puts up. The prize in this contest will be a chemical. Mark from easy clean will sponsor the next contest and give water broom away. These contests will be fun and will help maintain some entertainment value on the BBS. Chris Detter also wants to participate in a contest. (sunbrite)

Rules for editing or deleting posts remember the post need to be brought to the moderator’s section and two other mods need to agree. Any foul language can be edited immediately. If you have questions about things please ask your peers in this sections. I have no real say in this matter, moderators run the members section and control those aspects of the bb. I mentioning this again so that those who are new know how the bb is run. I only maintain the functions and the administrative things not the members or the actual charter.

Moderator section, this section is only to be used to handle daily business. Is not a place to talk about members. It’s a business section to discuss problems directly related to the BB. (The open forums are in place for that type of conversation.)

Member ridicule: I will not allow and I hope that you as people would not allow the personal attacks of any member. This is wrong and I will not be affiliated with this. Professionally attack someone is different that claiming false witness. Being attack doesn’t feel good and I don’t want others to feel if they are different and not the main stream that they cannot voice their opinions openly. Remember as moderators we do not need to agree with someone to have them to make their points. all of us will not agree and we will find fault in literally everything that comes from these BBS. is some respects there is really no right or wrong just differences.

Mistakes: I have made many mistakes while being on Delcos. Dan’s BB and Dave’s BB. I probably will make many more. My mind has been made up to go one way and then another. I think we all do this unless our minds are completely closed. Some of you know what I’m talking about others may have not experienced this yet. I believe when running a successful business you need to realize your mistakes and correct them quickly. I think having this gift is what makes me successful. Being honest and open enough with you to say I screwed up. Then being able to swallow your pride and make the steps necessary for change. Many times over the years my views have been changed and I think this education that the BBS give is what make them intriguing to a guy like me that has 18years experience in this business.

Being Number one and not being number 1? Simply need to say this, who wants second place? Is this a contest? Yes. I’m a very competitive person and everything I do I want to be a success. My nature is to take this BBS to the highest level possible. Do I want members to raise with it? Of course I do. It’s about the member and the people who receive help. In order to accomplish this then we would need to take pride in those we assist and those we can help.

Banner & signature Tags: all moderators can have this. I like the idea, if I have put a banner photo of signature tag somewhere you do not want it you have the capabilities to remove them. All member s do not have these capabilities. I prefer all distributors to have them and I’m making it mandatory that they do. These way contractors can see the difference and they can be recognized immediately. This however is and option for you as moderators.

Question about the BBS link on my Home page. “Ron, are you sure you want the BBS link on your home page for customers to find?” My answer would be yes. I’m proud of what we, as members have accomplished. I would never put anything here that would shame anyone or myself.

Thread from the DEAD!!!