Moderators needed,\

This board is primarily to benefit contractors..........and no money changes hands at all.

There are no advertisements or deals behind the scenes. This is the only board where you can freely talk about any product because it is not sponsored by anyone. There are no toes to step on here.

We do have specific sections where we allow vendors to freely post any advertisements that they want. This benefits both sides.

Only one or two of our moderators are vendors..........and I dont think their moderator status is really any kind of advantage as far as selling products. Most just want to help. When moderating, they are not allowed to push their products. Of course, email contact is perfectly fine. Users of the board have the option to decide if they want to receive emails from other members or not (moderators included).

There's a lot less to this then you are thinking. Enjoy.
Like many have said above.....this is a place to come learn from other's experience and get opinions on things that folks can back up with practical use. It's not an online course in pressure washing nor is it an infomercial for products. The bbs are groups of professionals who want to better the industry for all of us. It would behoove NO ONE for a moderator to be placed who has not established himself already in the eyes of those who sponsor any of these boards. And finally, you have to learn to apply your own common sense. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's probably a duck. If something doesn't jive to you......well hey, ask the appropriate question and then read the wealth of information that is provided. These boards are presented as a benefit for you - take it as that and enjoy your time on them.

Just my .02 worth,

Hey Mike, the letter!!! post # 10 of this thread.
I know you are busy but it can't take that long to do.
Ron, can you send a broadcast email like discussed above?
Mikes changing diapers or something