Merging BB's

Clean County PW

Active member
Merging bb's Has that ever been done before?? I know most bb's out there would not merge with another bb. And of course why would they. They all seem to have there own agenda's.

The two bb's that I could see merging is this one and PWNA's bb. With this bb being so well established and the PWNA's bb being so new they would go well together considering that this bb promotes them so well.

And with the 568 members here joining with the members there that are not already members here then we would have ONE very strong bb.

Here's the deal that I would make if I was the PWNA. I would give Ron at least 5 yrs FREE PWNA membership and maybe some other quirks to have these bb join together with the PWNA owning both. Maybe they could rename there bb only as PWNA/PWI bb and everytime someone goes to log on here they would go directly on to the new powerfull bb.

I would also incorporate alot of the rules here into the new Home Depot(as in pontetial size not product. Figure of speech) of bb's.

I can see alot of major advantages of doing this. What do others think about this and especially Ron M.

P/S I'm not trying to cause any controversy here. I'm just trying to come up with Idea's to help this Industry so we all can be more connected. Some may think this is a TERRIBLE idea. All thoughts are appreciated as always.
Basically, that idea sucks. Why should they merge...what benefit would each attain by this merger? Rons is a private "for profit" bb with his own agnda. PWNA is a professional trade organization that is non profit. Where are the similarities?

PWNA has to maintain control over their content, it cannot be done on a private, "anything goes" forum.

Just because the same lonely people post on all of these boards does not mean they should merge. It simply means these people really need a hobby!
Zippo I do believe your wrong about Ron's BBS being a "for profit" board.

He does not charge you or anyone to be a member and post here so where is the profit please?

Lonely people posting, I assume that would include you too since you post here, right?

Hey you did open yourself up to that one.

Now as to merging, nope I do agree with Zippo here, the PWNA is a professional organization with their own BBS and it should stay that way, it did open it up to all with a private section for members only.

Many boards are using the same format and that sort of gives all the opinion they could/would merge with little or no problem yet I doubt it will come to that, I think one would rather close down then merge, or sale the board.

As to Ron's agenda, with or without a BBS he would still have one, don't we all have some sort of agenda, namely to profit from our businesses and investments?
Hi Zip,

I agree that the respective owners would most likely not want to merge the boards. But I am glad to hear the idea brought up. Sometimes one idea will help to inspire another that will work. Someone else (name escapes me right now) had suggested a page with links to other BBS's. I think that is a prime example of what I'm talking about.

By the way, what's your hobby? Some of the people who come to the boards share their hobbies. (fishing, baseball, etc...)

Hope your day gets better. You sound out of sorts today.

Take care,
Sorry, Jon. I have had 44 posts in 11 months, roughly 4 per month. You, on the other hand have had 925 in 12 months, over 21 times mine. Posting once per week may be a hobby, 2-3 times per day becomes an obsession. One does not have to "make a profit" to be a for profit company. Trust me, Ron has an agenda.

Squirt, I agree with Cody, you, on the other hand, have aptly chosen a name that befits your intellect.

Michael, no offense taken.

Beth, I'm not out of sorts, in fact, I'm doin' great. Picked up another $600k contract, so all's right with the world. I just come here for comic relief...and believe me there is more here than at a Robin Williams/WhoopiGoldberg benefit! Have a nice day.
Hell he's harmless Zipper-just a nameless jerk who is afraid to give his name and locations-let him Rant on! He is so much of a jerk it is almost comical.

No to any merge-PWNA site is dead in the water.

David why do you say the PWNA site is dead in the water?

It is the newest board in town, it takes a bit of time, it is not as well known and not pushed as this one was.

Perhaps those of us who know pressure washers that don't log onto any boards (yes there are many) were given that link as well as this one it could grow.

Remember Ron marketed this board like no other board has been marketed, he does that with is busines too.

I know your personal feelings about the PWNA and I respect them but why not as a member offer to help it grow?


PS: Now this is a twist, me not agreeing with you and I expect my phone will ring soon over this post.

PSS: Thanks for the broucher, it really is a good one to use as a sales tool.
Merge the boards,you have got to be kidding me,it would be great for the mod's that run the boards tho but down fall on a few pushing their goods.

gosh Zippo I thought we where going to kill ya with love but looks as tho we're(they) stomping on ya head.Sorry bout that but my mouse die,just now feeding a new one.

It tickled me to see love at the end of your post on other thread,don't guess no'one seen it as they where blinded my fear,hahahahahaha.ALSO seen where 600k came to play,is this fleet work,flatwork or ??

heck Lickboy Ron done said he's making money as it has help his business,hadn't ya be reading between the lines.

May need to watch squirt Zippo he's pretty good bout guessing things,people like him are smarter than one thinks,atleast their brain is,its just the fingers cann't keep up with the brain as spelling skips around,but my spelling is a different story.
Psssst! Hey Bigboy... I won't tell anyone about the one time on the Delco board when you posted and every work was spelled properly and all the sentances were right and you could read it easily... I won't tell anyone your secret....
OOOPS! hehehehehe
You folks mean to say you are just coming to know Bigboy does know proper English and not just his mountain talk!!

OMG, I have known that a long time, I think the first time was when he called me one night and wanted to talk, not PW talk but just talk, get to know you talk and stuff like that.

Then there was a few Emails to me so perfect I could swear he is/was a college professor.

Ah Bigboy, without you things would be boring.