Measuring Centers


New member
When you go out to measure a center for an unsolicited bid, what do you include? For example, the other day I measured one that had a national grocery store along the strip, and separate in the middle of the parking lot was a bank, and another small strip with 4 stores.

The grocery store may or may not hire their own services, same with the bank. I sent in a bid with AND without the grocery & bank. What do some of you do in this situation?
I usually include all stores in the main complex, and offer the stand-alones separately. Most anchor stores have their flatwork done by someone, but when bidding a whole center, you're dealing with the management company or owner. Several of our centers are done 2X a year, and we additionally contract with the individual stores for more frequent cleanings. Therefore, you can double up on the bigger stores once you get your foot in the door with the management co.
99.9999999% of the time the anchor stores are responsible for their own storefronts not excluding windows, building, signage, awnings.......

You need to figure out which are anchor stores in a center then quote those stores separately. Almost every time the grocery store is an anchor store....
Or you can just go to the P/M web site and look at the site plan. It will tell you in a color coded site map what is included.
99.9999999% of the time the anchor stores are responsible for their own storefronts
Exactly. But when going for an entire center, the property management company WILL include any/all stores that are part of the complex. What I was referring to earlier was the fact that you can easily get the anchor store business if you are doing work for the whole center already.
There is a lot of gray area as to what is included and what is not included, unless you (as Nick says) check out siteplans or call ahead and ask what parts of the property they manage.

We have a few properties where the PM company is not responsible for anchor stores, one has 2 inline anchors, and they both 'take care' of their own pressure washing. We have another property where the PM company has us pressure washing the center on a 90 Day schedule and the anchor store on a monthly.

It may be different in different states, but in my (relatively short) experience there are many different arrangements that PM's have with anchor tenants, smaller tenants, outparcels, etc... with lease negotiations and rearrangements of terms of lease agreements many PM's are getting creative with the services being offered as part of CAM and the 'downgrading' of services to save money on tenants contribution to CAM.

Your best bet is to get as much information as possible before submitting - that way you save yourself some time, and you are giving the PM exactly what they need (pressure washing is not a top priority, and they don't want to have to decipher a complicated multiple-price unsolicited bid).

hth :wave3:
When you go out to measure a center for an unsolicited bid, what do you include? For example, the other day I measured one that had a national grocery store along the strip, and separate in the middle of the parking lot was a bank, and another small strip with 4 stores.

The grocery store may or may not hire their own services, same with the bank. I sent in a bid with AND without the grocery & bank. What do some of you do in this situation?

Watch this video for My Answer & Help!!!
Exactly. But when going for an entire center, the property management company WILL include any/all stores that are part of the complex. What I was referring to earlier was the fact that you can easily get the anchor store business if you are doing work for the whole center already.

Thats never been the case in centers I do or have done. It is possible I guess but I have never ran into that yet. Most PM's I deal with state that the anchors are responsible for almost everything pertaining to their store since most only pay very minimal leases ( some as low as .01 for a month)