Marko Starts Grease Club at UaMcc

Roger, I asked you in three IM's to follow what has been setup as rules to make the forum friendly for everyone. You insisted on your own agenda. I personally like you which is why I tried to work with you. The UAMCC is not a locker room forum. I'm sorry about that. I don't make the rules and decisions anymore more than a police officer writes the law. I have a job to do to keep the forum free from the strife, intimidation and self promotion that has plagued other forums in the past. Its never an easy decision to arbitrality take away someone's right to post on an open forum but you brought this onto yourself. The UAMCC is bigger than me, Carlos and the entire team. I hope you can understand what we are trying to establish. Its a business league that is setting out to help the industry and thus has no room for personal agendas. For anyone that is serious about growing their business and sharing with others with the same mindset, the UAMCC forum is an open template for networking. Following another guy from board to board and harassing him at every turn is a waste of time. It stifles the ideas of many who would like to post but don't for fear of intimidation. For consistently disregarding that and for other questionably professional comments and post, you were given a time to reflect on what you want to give to the industry.
Alexy, the chat room thing was a miscommunication. Marko came to me last week asking if he could setup a chat session on the forum. Go back and reread the thread. It states the intention and he mentions my name for seeking approval.

Think about giving a customer an estimate or proposal and I jump into the middle of it and say to the customer "here is my card, I provide the same services." Would you knock my block off? That is the way I reacted to a link being placed in the middle of that thread diverting to another forum. I know now that Thad was just not understanding what was happening. He was thinking the conversation was about the chat on pressurewashchat he had setup. We can chalk that up to the original poster not being clear with his intentions.
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Or we can gloss over the fact that he was very clear in his intentions.
He 'got the idea' for a KEC chat from the already-established KEC Chat that Ant is doing on Saturdays in a dedicated KEC chatroom. He clearly stated that. So, instead of one greaser chat someone is already trying to split the field before the first scheduled chat even takes place.
"Yours is Saturday? Well, mine is gonna be THURSDAY!"

Who is doing the jumping?

It's laughable, and ridiculous to debate.
I hope you and Marko do well with your KEC chat, because I have no vested interest in either one.
Nor do I Thad. Its not a UAMCC sanctioned event. It is meaningless to me whom started what and when. He asked me if he could do it and I said "knock yourself out, the chat module is part of the public forum.. run it professionally and its all yours, Marko." I have no vested interested in it personally nor does the UAMCC a a whole. I mentioned to you on a different thread (that contains links and was not moderated in any way shape or form) that we are planning expert chats that will be an entirely different format. If you recall I also said in that thread that I would be sensitive to not interfere with your chats. I agree with you again that it is silly to debate.
GENTLEMEN, Could you please take this somewhere else, this has nothing to do with PWI, I am sorry for my jumping in on this but it really has no business here.

Sure, Russ. You're 100% right and I'm sorry for the disruption.

I don't think Ken or I either one have any emotional attachment to this. It's not an argument, just a misunderstanding that has been cleared up and will not continue.

I didn't bring it up here, and really shouldn't have responded when it was.
Ahiet.....lets see if I cant get banned from here too.

Its never an easy decision to arbitrality take away someone's right to post on an open forum
Its a privately owned forum, I have no such right.

Following another guy from board to board and harassing him at every turn is a waste of time. It stifles the ideas of many who would like to post but don't for fear of intimidation.
Please show me where I harassed him after the first verbal lashing you gave me. And please look at the join dates of all these forums then tell me again who is following who. I was banned because I pointed out your hypocrisy. You accused Thad of spaming, I thought that was funny because there is spam flashing at me on the right side of every screen on your BBS. Had nothing to do with marko.

I have a job to do to keep the forum free from the strife, intimidation and self promotion that has plagued other forums in the past
Its a business league that is setting out to help the industry and thus has no room for personal agendas

Do you really want to continue to tote that line? Id be more than happy to share a little tidbit of info that tells me anyway that you do indeed have a personal agenda and have no problem with self promotion. Something that no other member of UAMCC seems to enjoy.
Russ, I am not trying to push your buttons. Someone pulls my name into an accusation that is unfounded and untrue and its a little difficult to let it lie. I have given blood sweat and tears to the UAMCC. Its 3,4,5 hours of work every single day and has been for nearly the last ten months. If there is a financial light at the end of this tunnell I wish someone would point it out to me. I have spent five years on these forums writing articles, helping guys, mentoring where I could, sharing what I have been taught and never once, not a single solitary time, accepted or even asked for a single nickel of compensation. I'm putting that into print because I know no one can step forward and say otherwise.

I'll handle this in pm's and on the phone as not to disrupt this forum but I just wanted to get that off of my chest.

PS: Roger, I have never been to your website. Awesome design.
Holy Crap and I thought I was the only one that was aware of this gene pool escapee. Thanks guys. Maybe you grease Police arent all bad. Unfortunately I based my opinion of Grease Police on Rog replys. Sorry for the tunnel vision.

Russ, I am not trying to push your buttons. Someone pulls my name into an accusation that is unfounded and untrue and its a little difficult to let it lie. I have given blood sweat and tears to the UAMCC. Its 3,4,5 hours of work every single day and has been for nearly the last ten months. If there is a financial light at the end of this tunnell I wish someone would point it out to me. I have spent five years on these forums writing articles, helping guys, mentoring where I could, sharing what I have been taught and never once, not a single solitary time, accepted or even asked for a single nickel of compensation. I'm putting that into print because I know no one can step forward and say otherwise.

I'll handle this in pm's and on the phone as not to disrupt this forum but I just wanted to get that off of my chest.

PS: Roger, I have never been to your website. Awesome design.

I was not speaking directly to you Ken, I appreciate what you guys are doing over there, I asked Roger and whoever to leave it and he kept on , so he was infracted. No problem Ken, thanks for the help in trying to fix the situation. I just didnt want it to blow up here.
GENTLEMEN, Could you please take this somewhere else, this has nothing to do with PWI, I am sorry for my jumping in on this but it really has no business here.

Let's be clear there...somewhere else OFFLINE because this is not something ANY of the good forums (TGS INCLUDED) wants in the index. Please don't encourage forum jumping. There is enough of that already.

Let's be clear there...somewhere else OFFLINE because this is not something ANY of the good forums (TGS INCLUDED) wants in the index. Please don't encourage forum jumping. There is enough of that already.

