Loving wives.

Russ Johnson

Equipment Expert
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Ahhhh the memories.....I used to be married to one of those psychos.
Ditto, Not married to one but dated one for 2yrs too long! What a nut job! Never knew which one of her 3 personalities I was with. :confused:
I had this crazy one once, she was a lot of fun, I guess she got to comfortable with me being a nice guy. She went to swing on me and I caught her fist and held on and explained a few thing to her. About a month later we were argueing and we were outside and she swung on me and I didnt see it coming, she got me good. I turned towards her and she was midway to getting me again. I just stepped up and bang. Man I never saw someone drop so fast from a head butt. I'm sorry but it was some funny chit. I left her in the back yard. She came in with a better attitude. She had a new place to live in a week LOL

When I was about 16 I swore at my dad, the next thing I knew my Mom nailed me with a frying pan. I never swore at my dad again, matter of fact I lived in my buddies cellar for the next couple months. Good ole Mom I love her
I had this crazy one once, she was a lot of fun, I guess she got to comfortable with me being a nice guy. She went to swing on me and I caught her fist and held on and explained a few thing to her. About a month later we were argueing and we were outside and she swung on me and I didnt see it coming, she got me good. I turned towards her and she was midway to getting me again. I just stepped up and bang. Man I never saw someone drop so fast from a head butt. I'm sorry but it was some funny chit. I left her in the back yard. She came in with a better attitude. She had a new place to live in a week LOL

When I was about 16 I swore at my dad, the next thing I knew my Mom nailed me with a frying pan. I never swore at my dad again, matter of fact I lived in my buddies cellar for the next couple months. Good ole Mom I love her

Holy cow!
Sometimes Moms can give you just the right amount of LOVE to wake you UP LOL

I hear ya. My mom didnt hit me much when I was a kid, the usual spanking here and there. But every once ina while she would flip on me. I always deserved it too. I remember one time. I forget what I did but my Mom came out the house into the street like Conan the Barbarian. She was swinging a dog leash/CHAIN and man I went running. We had St. Bernards at the time so it was a BIG chain, real big:( . lol
I admit I was not the most behaved kid growing up and I did get a lot of whoopins like with belts, broom handles, rake handles, etc... whatever was close by.

For the most part I deserved them but once in a while I did not. It helps you build respect for your parents but abuse is a different thing altogether, and not much.

Today's kids are getting away with murder and the parents are not doing much to build discipline in them or a lot of what is happening would not happen. A lot of it needs to start with the parents but if they were not raised right, it is hard to get the trend started right.

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I got apanked alot i was a bad boy. I keep telling my wife to stop that chit! and it seem like all the crazy girls in the world are all good in the sack. thats why we put up with them. dont mean to offend anyone. just my experience thats all.
JOKE: What do you tell a girl with 2 black eyes?

Nothing shes been told twice already!!
I had this crazy one once, she was a lot of fun, I guess she got to comfortable with me being a nice guy. She went to swing on me and I caught her fist and held on and explained a few thing to her. About a month later we were argueing and we were outside and she swung on me and I didnt see it coming, she got me good. I turned towards her and she was midway to getting me again. I just stepped up and bang. Man I never saw someone drop so fast from a head butt. I'm sorry but it was some funny chit. I left her in the back yard. She came in with a better attitude. She had a new place to live in a week LOL

When I was about 16 I swore at my dad, the next thing I knew my Mom nailed me with a frying pan. I never swore at my dad again, matter of fact I lived in my buddies cellar for the next couple months. Good ole Mom I love her

How about this one with a reverse twist:

Ex and I work at a car dealership. My sales team won a trip to the steakhouse. Five of us go in the car (1 female who sits in the front seat, I'm in the back) When I got home my ex was packing her bags and asking me if I enjoyed f'ng the girl on my team on the way to the steakhouse. ??????? I barely even knew this girl. I told my ex there was 5 of us in the car and walked towards her. She starts flailing at me. I put my arms around her and told her to calm down (thinking she was just drunk or something.) I pulled her down onto the bed on top of me holding my arms around her to keep her from hitting me, telling her to calm down.

When we're laying on the bed she calms down, then looks down the hall and see's my then 8 yr old son looking toward the bedroom. She screams "call 911 Chris, your dad is killing me!" I let her go and she rolls over next to me and smiles. She hears him on the phone and starts screaming "Stop, stop, you're killing me". By this time I'm standing up and she's lying on the bed screaming like a maniac.

The police and ambulance are there and about three minutes. I spent the whole time in the living room with my son. When they got there she told them she thinks I broke her neck. Next thing I know a helicopter comes and takes her to the hospital. Then they take me to jail.

The next morning I was released and told I had to go to court later that same day. (which I thought was strange)

Two police, two emergency room personnel and a councellor were there. They told the judge in sortof an informal conversational type courtroom situation that the Ex's story kept getting bigger and bigger throughout the night and there was no evidence that we even had a physical altercation of any kind and further they were recommending that she get psychiatric treatment.

The judge levied all costs on her for the helicopter, hospital, etc.

Now, here's the real story - She had been having an affair with a co-worker at the dealership. She wanted me to leave so she could move him in with her. I showed no indication of wanting to leave, so, in desperation she planned to get me out via the police. Her aunt said she had been planning it for weeks.

That's worse than a pan to the nuts.

My son will back this story up. He was there.