Look What I made Today ?


Try this test, stand on a ladder with a pressure washing wand in hand and pull the trigger.

If somebody tries that and gets hurt, you are likely to get sued! Otherwise, I think it looks good.
Sweet...throw a headline on top brutha.
Unfortuately, The headline writes right over the picture, unless you set it to hide the headline ?
This picture has trees and Sky, impossible to get one color headline you can see.
The search engines will pick up the headline, and the customer will see it in the search rsults.
But, until I get a better picture, this will have to do :)

Try this test, stand on a ladder with a pressure washing wand in hand and pull the trigger.

If somebody tries that and gets hurt, you are likely to get sued! Otherwise, I think it looks good.
ROTFLMAO Mr Bunn, but you are right :eek: