Look at that Site!!!

great website...

concerning the feed I thought: whats the benefit ? if you click on and they are just dead links.....so I signed out of the grime scene..went back to his page and the links and guess what they are'nt dead links.

so is their a benefit to do this ?
RSS is something that is way out there still ..you must have an RSS reader ...

what happens is you have an RSS reader and when you sign up for the feeds to an RSS site it will put that site into your reader ... each morning our what ever you wake up check your RSS reader and see all the updates from the websites of your interest ....
I say give RSS 10 years and it will be HUGE!!!!
Feeeding a Blog/site with an RSS feeder is what Mark is doing.
It is a quick and dirty way to get "relevant" content to a blog.
The problem is, the content is changing, and one can't control it!
I once fed one of my blogs with RCIA content from our feed.
LOL, the guys started talkig about Little Dudes, in reference to our Emotocons!
I dont like placing feeds on my sites to these forums.
What is to stop the customer from coming here, learning to do it himself ?
Mark is a good guy, and a friend, he certainly means no harm!
Thank you guys for the nice words. About my face, it has been proven that if you show your face, people trust you more. Believe me, put your face on everything.

Ron, that was very nice of you and much appreciated.