Live Demo on site tomorrow night

we are planning a live demo on site from a shopping center that we will be cleaning, more than likely we will just start shooting and let you watch, any ideas ?

How about chem use and application, if you use them at this site. How you approach set up to maximize your cleaning efficiency. Temps, pressure and GPM you run. Close up of gum removal. Removal methods for other stains if applicable. Effective rinse methods. Rinsing is what slows me down. How your rig is set up for commercial.
we are planning a live demo on site from a shopping center that we will be cleaning, more than likely we will just start shooting and let you watch, any ideas ?

I would put some voice to it and explain as you go. That would be good to have for the next R/T ;)
Demo will be Tuesday night, we had to cancel leaving today due to the gas crunch in Atlanta.

I want to say it's getting a little better. For the first time yesterday, several gas stations had gas and there weren't long lines at these stations. If you need gas, make sure you get it outside of the metro Atlanta area right now.
Russ, are you guys staying Tuesday night in South Metro Atlanta?