List of music artists represented by Scumbags.

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Here is the list of all the artists represented by the scumbags at Warner Music Group that won't allow you to use their music in youtube videos.

They have gone so far as to remove the audio of teenage girls singing songs in their bedrooms without any musical accompaniment. One of them was a simple Christmas song that one of their artists had recorded and they claim all the rights to that song now.

They are scum of the earth. I'll be glad when the era that has allowed scum like this to flourish is over.

Personally, I've emailed a few groups like Skillet and P.O.D to let them know I won't buy their music nor attend their concerts till they change labels.

It's funny how these jerks can make videos with Bentleys and mansions and then complain about somebody using their music in the background of a homemade video.
This does not surprise me LOL Hollywierd and the Music Industry is all the same to me, WHACKED OUT.;)

These are people that CAN"T STAY MARRIED MORE THEN 3 MONTHS and want to tell us how to LIVE...................... NOT
Thanks for the list Tony. I know a few people who have taken the time to put video's together only to have it pulled because of the music. Your right. I bet they don't pay royalties to car companies etc... for the content in their ads. Just plain selfishness if you ask me...
Very very surprising. Ridiculous that they are worried about missing out on that $1.99 from the download.