Lets Talk Company Party;s for your Customers , it a really Cool idea to do this.

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

This guys Name is Curt Kempton Fivestar Window Care right here in Queen Creek Arizona

This was a Great Idea, I will explain what he has done by actually having this at a park. The team building aspect of employees is a win win, they actually get to do something other than work. So being able too bring there families into work to play is always going to be a hit.

Its great for the customers too, they really get to build those relations for sure. But think about being at a public park with a Magician do show tricks, I'll bet it drew a crowd.

There another person who did something unique also, I will post it later in the week. Truly possibly even a better idea but along the same lines.

Share your thoughts on this idea. I'm curious
Yeah, I will post Company Photo here in a Few Days. Its a Great Idea, i'll let you guys in on the party's I throw photos an everything. Even the ideas that where the Best, make me Jealous I have not Video taped them.

This was a Slick Idea.....The park was Good because you can even attract new business that Day.