Lets Talk about this Video----Miss information

His OWS seperators look like small kitchen models used in Subway's and Domino's, they hand just a little bit sink water not hot or emulsified greasy water. BOOOOO! Be more better.....BOOOO

Those OWS are useless unless they are stuffed with oil socks, but with out coalescing plates and or chemical injection oil seperators it looks like he is wasting his time.
I just dont like the Tactics Joe, selling fear!!! Fear is ok when your right, this guy is giving examples that all cleaners must comply to his methods.

I would love to know where he dumps water, if he was in my market I would find out.

His OWS seperators look like small kitchen models used in Subway's and Domino's, they hand just a little bit sink water not hot or emulsified greasy water. BOOOOO! Be more better.....BOOOO

Those OWS are useless unless they are stuffed with oil socks, but with out coalescing plates and or chemical injection oil seperators it looks like he is wasting his time.
I just dont like the Tactics Joe, selling fear!!! Fear is ok when your right, this guy is giving examples that all cleaners must comply to his methods.

I would love to know where he dumps water, if he was in my market I would find out.

I totally know where ya coming from, but like I have said before, here in Florida, all the new rules don't mean ANYTHING, cause the state of Florida already has a rule on the book called the Florida Litter Law, it trumps amy fed law in the pipeline, it is a dangerous law that needs to be changed.

So I can just critique his junk equipment, that he poses as the cutting edge of wast water control.

The Florida law is so dangerous that it is possible for them to enforce it ----IF YOU PUT WATER IN A TANK---- and then discharge it even if it is clean, straight from the tap so to say, that they can charge you with a crime. So all the EPA laws dint mean anything compared to this deal, which is enforced by any law enforcement here in the Sunshine State, you know what the say about Florida, "come on vacation, leave on probation"

Thank goodness our concealed carry laws are fairly liberal and getting more liberal with the forthcoming law that will let us possibly carry our weapons NOT CONCEALED, just strap you .50 cal to your hip and go to the supermarket, minimum loving that.

Florida statue as follows:
403.413 Florida Litter Law
(1) SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the "Florida Litter Law."
(2) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section: (a) "Litter" means any garbage; rubbish; trash; refuse; can; bottle; box; container; paper; tobacco product; tire; appliance; mechanical equipment or part; building or construction material; tool; machinery; wood; motor vehicle or motor vehicle part; vessel; aircraft; farm machinery or equipment; sludge from a waste treatment facility, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility; or substance in any form resulting from domestic, industrial, commercial, mining, agricultural, or governmental operations. (b) "Person" means any individual, firm, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or unincorporated association. (c) "Law enforcement officer" means any officer of the Florida Highway Patrol, a county sheriff's department, a municipal law enforcement department, a law enforcement department of any other political subdivision, the department, or the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. In addition, and solely for the purposes of this section, "law enforcement officer" means any employee of a county or municipal park or recreation department designated by the department head as a litter enforcement officer. (d) "Aircraft" means a motor vehicle or other vehicle that is used or designed to fly but does not include a parachute or any other device used primarily as safety equipment. (e) "Commercial purpose" means for the purpose of economic gain. (f) "Commercial vehicle" means a vehicle that is owned or used by a business, corporation, association, partnership, or sole proprietorship or any other entity conducting business for a commercial purpose. (g) "Dump" means to dump, throw, discard, place, deposit, or dispose of. (h) "Motor vehicle" means an automobile, motorcycle, truck, trailer, semitrailer, truck tractor, or semitrailer combination or any other vehicle that is powered by a motor. (i) "Vessel" means a boat, barge, or airboat or any other vehicle used for transportation on water.
(3) RESPONSIBILITY OF LOCAL GOVERNING BODY OF A COUNTY OR MUNICIPALITY.--The local governing body of a county or a municipality shall determine the training and qualifications of any employee of the county or municipality or any employee of the county or municipal park or recreation department designated to enforce the provisions of this section if the designated employee is not a regular law enforcement officer.
(4) DUMPING LITTER PROHIBITED.--Unless otherwise authorized by law or permit, it is unlawful for any person to dump litter in any manner or amount: (a) In or on any public highway, road, street, alley, or thoroughfare, including any portion of the right-of-way thereof, or any other public lands, except in containers or areas lawfully provided therefor. When any litter is thrown or discarded from a motor vehicle, the operator or owner of the motor vehicle, or both, shall be deemed in violation of this section; (b) In or on any freshwater lake, river, canal, or stream or tidal or coastal water of the state, including canals. When any litter is thrown or discarded from a boat, the operator or owner of the boat, or both, shall be deemed in violation of this section; or (c) In or on any private property, unless prior consent of the owner has been given and unless such litter will not cause a public nuisance or be in violation of any other state or local law, rule, or regulation.
(5) DUMPING RAW HUMAN WASTE PROHIBITED.--Unless otherwise authorized by law or permit, it is unlawful for any person to dump raw human waste from any train, aircraft, motor vehicle, or vessel upon the public or private lands or waters of the state.
(6) PENALTIES; ENFORCEMENT.-- (a) Any person who dumps litter in violation of subsection (4) in an amount not exceeding 15 pounds in weight or 27 cubic feet in volume and not for commercial purposes is guilty of a noncriminal infraction, punishable by a civil penalty of $50. In addition, the court may require the violator to pick up litter or perform other labor commensurate with the offense committed. (b) Any person who dumps litter in violation of subsection (4) in an amount exceeding 15 pounds in weight or 27 cubic feet in volume, but not exceeding 500 pounds in weight or 100 cubic feet in volume and not for commercial purposes is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. In addition, the court shall require the violator to pick up litter or perform other community service commensurate with the offense committed. Further, if the violation involves the use of a motor vehicle, upon a finding of guilt, whether or not adjudication is withheld or whether imposition of sentence is withheld, deferred, or suspended, the court shall forward a record of the finding to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, which shall record a penalty of three points on the violator's driver's license pursuant to the point system established by s. 322.27. (c) Any person who dumps litter in violation of subsection (4) in an amount exceeding 500 pounds in weight or 100 cubic feet in volume or in any quantity for commercial purposes, or dumps litter which is a hazardous waste as defined in s. 403.703, is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. In addition, the court may order the violator to: 1. Remove or render harmless the litter that he or she dumped in violation of this section; 2. Repair or restore property damaged by, or pay damages for any damage arising out of, his or her dumping litter in violation of this section; or 3. Perform public service relating to the removal of litter dumped in violation of this section or to the restoration of an area polluted by litter dumped in violation of this section. (d) A court may enjoin a violation of this section. (e) A motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft, container, crane, winch, or machine used to dump litter that exceeds 500 pounds in weight or 100 cubic feet in volume is declared contraband and is subject to forfeiture in the same manner as provided in ss. 932.703 and 932.704. (f) If a person sustains damages arising out of a violation of this section that is punishable as a felony, a court, in a civil action for such damages, shall order the person to pay the injured party threefold the actual damages or $200, whichever amount is greater. In addition, the court shall order the person to pay the injured party's court costs and attorney's fees. A final judgment rendered in a criminal proceeding against a defendant under this section estops the defendant from asserting any issue in a subsequent civil action under this paragraph which he or she would be estopped from asserting if such judgment were rendered in the civil action unless the criminal judgment was based upon a plea of no contest or nolo contendere. (g) For the purposes of this section, if a person dumps litter or raw human waste from a commercial vehicle, that person is presumed to have dumped the litter or raw human waste for commercial purposes. (h) In the criminal trial of a person charged with violating this section, the state does not have the burden of proving that the person did not have the right or authority to dump the litter or raw human waste or that litter or raw human waste dumped on private property causes a public nuisance. The defendant has the burden of proving that he or she had authority to dump the litter or raw human waste and that the litter or raw human waste dumped does not cause a public nuisance. (i) It shall be the duty of all law enforcement officers to enforce the provisions of this section. (j) Any person who violates the provisions of subsection (5) is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083; provided, however, that any person who dumps more than 500 pounds or more than 100 cubic feet of raw human waste, or who dumps any quantity of such waste for commercial purposes, is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in paragraph (c).
(7) ENFORCEMENT BY CERTAIN COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES.--Employees of counties or municipalities whose duty it is to ensure code compliance or to enforce codes and ordinances may be designated by the governing body of the county or the municipality to enforce the provisions of this section. Designation of such employees shall not provide the employees with the authority to bear arms or to make arrests.
(8) ENFORCEMENT OF OTHER REGULATIONS.--This section does not limit the authority of any state or local agency to enforce other laws, rules, or ordinances relating to litter or solid waste management.
I get that LAW..... can they inforce that inside a building on you?

I totally know where ya coming from, but like I have said before, here in Florida, all the new rules don't mean ANYTHING, cause the state of Florida already has a rule on the book called the Florida Litter Law, it trumps amy fed law in the pipeline, it is a dangerous law that needs to be changed.

So I can just critique his junk equipment, that he poses as the cutting edge of wast water control.

The Florida law is so dangerous that it is possible for them to enforce it ----IF YOU PUT WATER IN A TANK---- and then discharge it even if it is clean, straight from the tap so to say, that they can charge you with a crime. So all the EPA laws dint mean anything compared to this deal, which is enforced by any law enforcement here in the Sunshine State, you know what the say about Florida, "come on vacation, leave on probation"

Thank goodness our concealed carry laws are fairly liberal and getting more liberal with the forthcoming law that will let us possibly carry our weapons NOT CONCEALED, just strap you .50 cal to your hip and go to the supermarket, minimum loving that.

Florida statue as follows:
403.413 Florida Litter Law
(1) SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the "Florida Litter Law."
(2) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section: (a) "Litter" means any garbage; rubbish; trash; refuse; can; bottle; box; container; paper; tobacco product; tire; appliance; mechanical equipment or part; building or construction material; tool; machinery; wood; motor vehicle or motor vehicle part; vessel; aircraft; farm machinery or equipment; sludge from a waste treatment facility, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility; or substance in any form resulting from domestic, industrial, commercial, mining, agricultural, or governmental operations. (b) "Person" means any individual, firm, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or unincorporated association. (c) "Law enforcement officer" means any officer of the Florida Highway Patrol, a county sheriff's department, a municipal law enforcement department, a law enforcement department of any other political subdivision, the department, or the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. In addition, and solely for the purposes of this section, "law enforcement officer" means any employee of a county or municipal park or recreation department designated by the department head as a litter enforcement officer. (d) "Aircraft" means a motor vehicle or other vehicle that is used or designed to fly but does not include a parachute or any other device used primarily as safety equipment. (e) "Commercial purpose" means for the purpose of economic gain. (f) "Commercial vehicle" means a vehicle that is owned or used by a business, corporation, association, partnership, or sole proprietorship or any other entity conducting business for a commercial purpose. (g) "Dump" means to dump, throw, discard, place, deposit, or dispose of. (h) "Motor vehicle" means an automobile, motorcycle, truck, trailer, semitrailer, truck tractor, or semitrailer combination or any other vehicle that is powered by a motor. (i) "Vessel" means a boat, barge, or airboat or any other vehicle used for transportation on water.
(3) RESPONSIBILITY OF LOCAL GOVERNING BODY OF A COUNTY OR MUNICIPALITY.--The local governing body of a county or a municipality shall determine the training and qualifications of any employee of the county or municipality or any employee of the county or municipal park or recreation department designated to enforce the provisions of this section if the designated employee is not a regular law enforcement officer.
(4) DUMPING LITTER PROHIBITED.--Unless otherwise authorized by law or permit, it is unlawful for any person to dump litter in any manner or amount: (a) In or on any public highway, road, street, alley, or thoroughfare, including any portion of the right-of-way thereof, or any other public lands, except in containers or areas lawfully provided therefor. When any litter is thrown or discarded from a motor vehicle, the operator or owner of the motor vehicle, or both, shall be deemed in violation of this section; (b) In or on any freshwater lake, river, canal, or stream or tidal or coastal water of the state, including canals. When any litter is thrown or discarded from a boat, the operator or owner of the boat, or both, shall be deemed in violation of this section; or (c) In or on any private property, unless prior consent of the owner has been given and unless such litter will not cause a public nuisance or be in violation of any other state or local law, rule, or regulation.
(5) DUMPING RAW HUMAN WASTE PROHIBITED.--Unless otherwise authorized by law or permit, it is unlawful for any person to dump raw human waste from any train, aircraft, motor vehicle, or vessel upon the public or private lands or waters of the state.
(6) PENALTIES; ENFORCEMENT.-- (a) Any person who dumps litter in violation of subsection (4) in an amount not exceeding 15 pounds in weight or 27 cubic feet in volume and not for commercial purposes is guilty of a noncriminal infraction, punishable by a civil penalty of $50. In addition, the court may require the violator to pick up litter or perform other labor commensurate with the offense committed. (b) Any person who dumps litter in violation of subsection (4) in an amount exceeding 15 pounds in weight or 27 cubic feet in volume, but not exceeding 500 pounds in weight or 100 cubic feet in volume and not for commercial purposes is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. In addition, the court shall require the violator to pick up litter or perform other community service commensurate with the offense committed. Further, if the violation involves the use of a motor vehicle, upon a finding of guilt, whether or not adjudication is withheld or whether imposition of sentence is withheld, deferred, or suspended, the court shall forward a record of the finding to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, which shall record a penalty of three points on the violator's driver's license pursuant to the point system established by s. 322.27. (c) Any person who dumps litter in violation of subsection (4) in an amount exceeding 500 pounds in weight or 100 cubic feet in volume or in any quantity for commercial purposes, or dumps litter which is a hazardous waste as defined in s. 403.703, is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. In addition, the court may order the violator to: 1. Remove or render harmless the litter that he or she dumped in violation of this section; 2. Repair or restore property damaged by, or pay damages for any damage arising out of, his or her dumping litter in violation of this section; or 3. Perform public service relating to the removal of litter dumped in violation of this section or to the restoration of an area polluted by litter dumped in violation of this section. (d) A court may enjoin a violation of this section. (e) A motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft, container, crane, winch, or machine used to dump litter that exceeds 500 pounds in weight or 100 cubic feet in volume is declared contraband and is subject to forfeiture in the same manner as provided in ss. 932.703 and 932.704. (f) If a person sustains damages arising out of a violation of this section that is punishable as a felony, a court, in a civil action for such damages, shall order the person to pay the injured party threefold the actual damages or $200, whichever amount is greater. In addition, the court shall order the person to pay the injured party's court costs and attorney's fees. A final judgment rendered in a criminal proceeding against a defendant under this section estops the defendant from asserting any issue in a subsequent civil action under this paragraph which he or she would be estopped from asserting if such judgment were rendered in the civil action unless the criminal judgment was based upon a plea of no contest or nolo contendere. (g) For the purposes of this section, if a person dumps litter or raw human waste from a commercial vehicle, that person is presumed to have dumped the litter or raw human waste for commercial purposes. (h) In the criminal trial of a person charged with violating this section, the state does not have the burden of proving that the person did not have the right or authority to dump the litter or raw human waste or that litter or raw human waste dumped on private property causes a public nuisance. The defendant has the burden of proving that he or she had authority to dump the litter or raw human waste and that the litter or raw human waste dumped does not cause a public nuisance. (i) It shall be the duty of all law enforcement officers to enforce the provisions of this section. (j) Any person who violates the provisions of subsection (5) is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083; provided, however, that any person who dumps more than 500 pounds or more than 100 cubic feet of raw human waste, or who dumps any quantity of such waste for commercial purposes, is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in paragraph (c).
(7) ENFORCEMENT BY CERTAIN COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES.--Employees of counties or municipalities whose duty it is to ensure code compliance or to enforce codes and ordinances may be designated by the governing body of the county or the municipality to enforce the provisions of this section. Designation of such employees shall not provide the employees with the authority to bear arms or to make arrests.
(8) ENFORCEMENT OF OTHER REGULATIONS.--This section does not limit the authority of any state or local agency to enforce other laws, rules, or ordinances relating to litter or solid waste management.
Vacuum on that holding-tank !??

..and did he REALLy put vacuum to that holding-tank !?? . :yikes:

I know one of his friends..
tank sucked in..jpg came in for something unrelated,
and left with a Sirocco.​
I think he was vacuuming up the water into the drum then it pumps into the home-made oil water separator devices then the water goes into the warped water tank.

I would like to see that tank full of water and going down the highway and hit a pothole and bend that axle, that is too much weight on that trailer when the water tank is full for a small single axle trailer like that. I hope nobody follows his example and builds a system like that and has an accident because the trailer is over weight when the water tank is full.

There are a lot of flaws in that system, I would like to see him using it in a real-world situation and explain why it is not working correctly when people who know about recovery systems point out that his system is not working correctly.

You can build a better and more efficient system using a trailer about the same size but with 2 axles so you don't over load it.

There are a lot of ways to be epa compliant, you don't have to fall for his speech and get scared into building a system like that, there are lots of ways to be compliant, just search here on the bbs.

I like how he is trying to make people believe that all trailers need to look that cheezy, dirty and crappy if they are working. hahahahahahaha
If your pressure washing company takes care of his equipment and has clean stuff you should be skeptical....:yikes:

I see a few DOT violations in that unit not to mention design issues. He should have bought a Sirocco....
Hahaha, that's funny but it is true. Ron has some of the nastiest looking rigs I've ever seen (with Tom Cusick in Tucson coming in a close second) They both claim it's because they only come out at night. At least Tom tried, ONE side of his truck is white and the other is permanently gray! I asked him about it and he said the gray side is the curb side and nobody ever sees it.

A nasty unit is the mark of a busy commercial company.